• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Jan 29, 2016

Generally favorable reviews - based on 30 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 30
  2. Negative: 0 out of 30
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  1. Feb 16, 2016
    Every track is a potential hit, and Sia’s use of pure pop hooks, coupled with an astounding control over her rampant voice, makes this a very good record.
  2. 67
    Whether we like her or not, Sia might be authoring the most iconic pop music of our generation. For this reason alone, This is Acting is worth at least one listen.
  3. Jan 29, 2016
    Given that Furler didn't originally plan to make these songs her own, it's impressive that This Is Acting works as well as it does--only the wannabe banger "Move Your Body" and "Sweet Design"'s flashy, hard-hitting R&B are truly unconvincing. For the most part, however, This Is Acting's meta-pop is another example of how cleverly Sia brings her her experiments into the mainstream.
  4. 80
    When she strains so hard on ‘Alive’ that her voice becomes pretty ragged, it’s thrilling. If you can buy into its concept, Sia’s play-acting is very entertaining indeed.
  5. Jan 29, 2016
    A record that overwhelmingly delivers big beats and shout-along choruses straight to the brain’s pleasure center.
  6. Jan 28, 2016
    While Sia has declared her awareness of the cheese factor in her hired-gun material, with its broad themes of self-empowerment and survival, she has a real gift for making it palatable.
  7. Jan 28, 2016
    It's a complete piece of work, and one that serves as a commentary on the intersectionality of art and fame by someone who has recently acquired a new level of notoriety. But the sacrifice here is the personal flair that gave her previous album a spark of creativity and set it apart from the songs she had already been writing for other pop stars.
  8. 80
    It’s a brave act on Furler’s part, to stand up and present a body of work that so many other people deemed not good enough, but ultimately, it’s a great collection of pop songs, cynical or not.
  9. 80
    Thanks to the remarkable instrument that is Furler's voice: huge but fragile, fearlessly ragged and wild, seemingly a conduit of a tumultuous past that has included drug addiction and mental health issues, it perfectly counterpoints her songs' robust construction in a way that makes you wish she kept every song she wrote for herself.
  10. Jan 27, 2016
    While Sia’s lines wear a badge of effortlessness, her ripe voice lends gravitas to these “victim to victory” ballads (as the notoriously media-shy singer characterized them to the New York Times in a rare sit-down).
  11. Jan 27, 2016
    Some of the tracks, like the first few ballads, feel a tad exhausted and perhaps a little clichéd, but that's the nature of Sia's universal, inclusive pop music, and on This is Acting, she approaches it in an intriguing way and performs it with gusto.
  12. 83
    Somehow, though, broad strokes suit these songs; Sia's unabashed aim is uplift and her fell for sing-along-until-your neighbor-bangs-on-the-radiator hooks rarely falter. [29 Jan/5 Feb 2016, p.107]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 522 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 58 out of 522
  1. Jan 29, 2016
    By far, this is the most pretentious album Sia career. Organize and quickly produce an album with tracks discarded by other artists isBy far, this is the most pretentious album Sia career. Organize and quickly produce an album with tracks discarded by other artists is something great, if it wasn't a little tragic.

    Most of the album has the same sound of this precedent, "1000 Forms of Fear", but with less drama and dark in the compositions. Here, we see Sia safer and relaxed lyrically, precisely because those are compositions that she wrote thinking in other artists, it's pop compositions.

    Within production, the album follows a general pattern radio. More different musics in this regard are "Move Your Body", a super dance track discarded by Shakira, "Reaper" (co-produced by Kanye West) and "Thrills Chips" - the latter two being ignored by hitmaker Rihanna.

    In the end, "This Is Acting" is a common pop album, like any current mainstream music would sound. That's all.
    Full Review »
  2. Jan 29, 2016
    Really good album, similar to Sia's last effort. Her strength lays in her distinctive and very emotional voice, as well as in the talent forReally good album, similar to Sia's last effort. Her strength lays in her distinctive and very emotional voice, as well as in the talent for songwriting. Full Review »
  3. Jan 29, 2016
    Excellent album. Every song is great and Sia's vocals are outstanding. All the artists who rejected these songs, except One Million Bullets,Excellent album. Every song is great and Sia's vocals are outstanding. All the artists who rejected these songs, except One Million Bullets, are really dumb. Full Review »