
Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. It sounds like it was worth the wait for Sandoval and O'Ciosoig and it's a welcome return for fans of her music, and also for fans of late-night, melancholy balladry that will break your heart and ease you gently into dreams.
  2. This is a record to be drunk from deeply, preferably in solitude, along with a bottle of whatever makes you purr as warmly as Sandoval and her Inventions can--and evidently still do--at their best.
  3. I’ll be listening to Through the Devil Softly for years to come.
  4. Soft and slipper-shod as it may seem, there's a complex coldness to Sandoval's lyrical persona.
  5. There's no real standout track--no 'Fade Into You' for this decade--but it's a good listen while it lasts, a thing of slow, sad grace.
  6. So, after eight long years, fans of Sandoval finally have something to be excited about, for Through the Devil Softly does not disappoint.
  7. This is music to lose yourself in during the long cold winter nights.
  8. Uncut
    Her husky drawl of a voice remains as precious and fragile as a chandelier, and it well suits these insidiously melodic, intimate songs. [Oct 2009, p.110]

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