• Record Label: 4AD
  • Release Date: Mar 4, 2003

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Their loudest, noisiest, most immediate album yet -- and it's one of their best.
  2. Throwing Muses are the counterpart-- or maybe the antidote-- to the driven, enraptured solitude of [Hersh's] solo material; they deliver a release and an excitement that's been missing from her work for years.
  3. This is an album that's tough to love but impossible to ignore.
  4. As a whole, Throwing Muses still contains too much formless slop, but at least it's energetic.
  5. A raw blast of electric power that serves as a career coda, of sorts.
  6. The Wire
    It may lack subtlety but it sounds incredibly vital. [#229, p.68]
  7. Throwing Muses is an exhilarating ride that manages to marry the helter-skelter rhythmic pulse of the band's first few records with the poppier sensibilities of their nineties releases.
  8. The combination of a rough production with the beautiful vocal harmonics makes this one of the Muses' best efforts to date.
  9. Blender
    Just as electrifying as before. [May 2003, p.125]
  10. Throwing Muses, the 2003 incarnation, sounds as close as it ever has to the pre-House Tornado lineup some sixteen years back.
  11. Q Magazine
    Though low on hooks, the ragged and faster songs are sweetened by the vocal interplay between Hersh and Donelly. [Apr 2003, p.104]
  12. Mojo
    Donelly's wild, sweet tones are the perfect counterpoint to Hersh's cajoling banshee of a voice. [Apr 2003, p.97]
  13. The Rhode Island trio has returned for its rawest record yet.
  14. If the Throwing Muses are not still at the top of their game, they are very, very close.
  15. Uncut
    It's amazing they're still so punk, so relentlessly jagged and vicious. [Apr 2003, p.110]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 8 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 8
  2. Negative: 1 out of 8
  1. JohnF
    Mar 5, 2006
    I bought this album after hearing a few tracks from other albums. This album and the vocals are too screechy for my liking. There is energy I bought this album after hearing a few tracks from other albums. This album and the vocals are too screechy for my liking. There is energy but the music seems to lack melody. Maybe I was just expecting more songs like: Dizzy, Red Shoes, Bright Yellow Gun, Counting Backwards and, Serene. I regret paying for this album. Full Review »
  2. RaoulX
    Jul 14, 2004
    Disappointing. I guess not even a genius like KH can release two completely different albums at the same time. Wish she had focused on one or Disappointing. I guess not even a genius like KH can release two completely different albums at the same time. Wish she had focused on one or the other. KH and the boys can still let 'er rip, but the songs are not up to KH's usual brilliance. The best thing I can say about this album is that at least it's not Red Heaven. Full Review »
  3. ra
    Apr 2, 2003
    This is the best album yet. Kristin's 7-year-itch has proven that she can still make mind-blowing music that has yet to be equalled.