• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: Dec 20, 2011

Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
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  1. The Wire
    Feb 17, 2012
    Like most blockbusters, TM103 lacks some subtlety and depth, but is nevertheless preposterously entertaining, almost unerring anthemic stuff. [Feb 2012, p.71]
  2. Jan 9, 2012
    The album certainly has its moments, but on the whole it's bogged down by too much middling material.
  3. Jan 4, 2012
    This is the sound of an artist fully formed, without a single faulty track to its name. Jeezy's done a hell of a job proving the doubters wrong here.
  4. Jan 3, 2012
    Thanks in large part to the beats and the guest appearances, and in small part to Jeezy's frank delivery and raspy voice, it leans more toward the former [enjoyable] than the latter [obnoxious], leading me to give this album a cautious thumbs up.
  5. Jan 3, 2012
    Thug Motivation somehow feels both airless and over-inflated, the sound of an artist trying to revisit something gone.
  6. Dec 22, 2011
    The point is that despite the delays and false starts and question marks, ultimately Young Jeezy has continued an impressively consistent run of quality albums.
  7. Dec 21, 2011
    He gives a worthy addition to the series and continues his reign as one of rap's best.
  8. Dec 20, 2011
    He's better when he sticks to his native tongue--the street-cred-radiating plain-spokenness he calls "real talk."
  9. Dec 20, 2011
    Despite the abundance of features (twelve), Snow's fourth studio album is indeed a win.
  10. Dec 20, 2011
    This unforgiving return to form doesn't suffer from being over-thought and it's not even overwrought, but it is overstuffed at 14 tracks.
  11. Dec 20, 2011
    What he sacrifices in innovation he compensates for with focus and precision.
  12. Dec 15, 2011
    When it comes to trap raps, he's coined and refined a slick, successful musical formula that TM103, easily maintains.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 16
  2. Negative: 2 out of 16
  1. Sep 21, 2016
    In my opinion Jeezy's weakest effort to date, TM: 103 is about the same as the other albums he delivered, but the difference is he seems a bitIn my opinion Jeezy's weakest effort to date, TM: 103 is about the same as the other albums he delivered, but the difference is he seems a bit uninspired and tired on the mic and production seems more repetitive and generic than the others. Full Review »
  2. Nov 5, 2012
    Jeezy be that real **** **** those fakes ass officer rickys! **** witness real **** on the street! MA **** 103.. THUG MOTIVATION!! jeezyJeezy be that real **** **** those fakes ass officer rickys! **** witness real **** on the street! MA **** 103.. THUG MOTIVATION!! jeezy harder dan a mudda ****a!! Full Review »
  3. Jul 31, 2012
    Pure trash, Jeezy is the worst. His music is terrible, he needs features to be good. Very few songs here that are listenable, how this albumPure trash, Jeezy is the worst. His music is terrible, he needs features to be good. Very few songs here that are listenable, how this album sold 223k I'll never know, he must've bought them all Full Review »