
Generally favorable reviews - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 16
  2. Negative: 2 out of 16
  1. The band's addictive hooks and memorable charm are far from dismissive.
  2. Blender
    If Borrell's originality ever equals his confidence, Razorlight might be as good as he thinks they are. [Nov 2004, p.141]
  3. Razorlight is nearly everything wrong with rock and roll today.
  4. It’s not Razorlight’s reflected experience that’s the problem, though, nor their clichéd rock‘n’roll romanticism - it’s the bewildering narrowness of their sonic vision.
  5. The best British debut since Oasis? Definitely... maybe. But one of the albums of the year? Without doubt.
  6. Entertainment Weekly
    Eclectic, combustible tunes. [3 Dec 2004, p.85]
  7. New Musical Express (NME)
    For all its flaws, 'Up All Night' bristles with passion, energy and, most importantly, amazing songs. [26 Jun 2004, p.53]
  8. At nearly every turn of their flaccid debut, Up All Night, Razorlight squander the ideas they've snatched up from other, more talented acts, then somehow find even more ways to ruin already perfectly uninteresting songs.
  9. Razorlight's debut has more hooks than a fishing rod factory, and the advantage they have over Oasis (in addition to not sounding anything like them) is that they haven't had their arses kissed enough to disappear completely up them yet.
  10. A likeable, if completely unoriginal rock record that's sure to get even the dullest of parties onto the police blotter.
  11. Q Magazine
    As with the other great British debut of 2004 so far, by Franz Ferdinand, Up All Night ripples with cocksure sangfroid and a barely contained sexual fever. [Jul 2004, p.111]
  12. Up All Night is a brilliant mod explosion of scruffy pub punk.
  13. Razorlight is more than The Strokes, London Bureau -- all nervous guitar lines and neither-here-nor-there bar-hopping energy -- but what's left of the mucho-hyped UK outfit's identity feels second-hand borrowed, as well.
  14. A lot of these songs blur together and become indistinguishable.
  15. Originality may not be Razorlight's strong point, but Borrell's raw charisma carries the day.
  16. Uncut
    With less hyperbole and gutter-visionary pretension, Borrell's competent if hygienised NYC punk knock-offs might be more palatable. [Aug 2004, p.104]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 55 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 42 out of 55
  2. Negative: 12 out of 55
  1. Jan 29, 2016
  2. Apr 20, 2012
    Lively and energetic debut album from the London band. At the time Razorlight were a more sturdy and less ramshackle alternative to theLively and energetic debut album from the London band. At the time Razorlight were a more sturdy and less ramshackle alternative to the Libertines. Razorlight took themselves more seriously and were far less fun. On music alone, this is a very strong record, Rip It Up and Stumble and Fall are brilliant tracks along with several other single that came off the album. What's more is there is very little filler on here. Unfortunately the more we got to know of Johnny Borell and Razorlight the more irritating they got and for me, the image started to interfere with the tunes. Full Review »
  3. JohnMarkF.
    Aug 4, 2007
    Very good and lots of fun to listen to. It will grow on you.