• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Jun 22, 2010

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 14
  2. Negative: 1 out of 14
  1. While We Are Born occasionally lapses into the anodyne, overly tasteful pop-folk balladeering of Sia's past, overall it's a charmingly cheery, light-hearted romp looking nowhere but sweetly, sanguinely forward.
  2. Known for her past collaborations with English electronica band Zero 7 and more recently with Christina Aguilera, Australian artist Sia Furler shines bright on her own on her newest release.
  3. While the music isn't out of step with what we've come to expect from American pop stars, the difference is Sia's songs here sound downright lived through: See the fragile cover of Madonna's "Oh Father'' for reference.
  4. On We Are Born the chanteuse explores more caffeinated avenues...It's party music with a heart.
  5. Instead of catering to fans of that slow, sultry earlier work, she's brought in old and new songwriting partners to help her craft a fast-paced, upbeat pop album.
  6. While We Are Born may not be as immediate or distinctive a statement as its predecessor, there's ultimately very little about it that doesn't work.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 174 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 27 out of 174
  1. Oct 15, 2011
    I don't get some of the 'professional' reviewers? This album is in many, if not in every way, an extraordinary album. Sia's voice is like theI don't get some of the 'professional' reviewers? This album is in many, if not in every way, an extraordinary album. Sia's voice is like the heading & the leading thing here. She do have her very own voice and this is proven on this record. The lyrics a chunky, funny and just real! We need more of that kind. You can hear that she's having fun on this one. This is her first uptempo album, & she's doing it really great. This album is a summer cracker. I've heard it over & over again that summer 2010, and still doing it today. What can I say; It makes me feel comfortable with lots of things. This album puts a smile on my face. Still to remember, that there's songs like 'Be Good To Me' & 'I'm In Here' + her cover of Madonna's 'Oh Father' - these are the downtempos genuine songs on the album. You have to listen to this album! Highly recommended! Shortly: The voice works, the lyrics are amazing and the music is just so tripping forward the joy to remember this one.
    10/10 in all. First & foremost cause' of its originality & lots of joyfulness and the confusing thing, which we all know & have been caught up in a awkward moment, and of course when it is in its best & at the right time.
    Full Review »
  2. Jul 12, 2014
    I wasn’t originally going to download this album. But after hearing some of the songs from this album (The Fight, Clap Your Hands and You’veI wasn’t originally going to download this album. But after hearing some of the songs from this album (The Fight, Clap Your Hands and You’ve Changed), it would be a mistake not to download this album.

    And in order to compare her latest album 1000 Forms of Fear, I need to review this previous album because I noticed the different tone of sound between those two albums.

    What I liked about this album is Sia’s persona as a colorful, quirky, Bjork-esque singer based on the sound of this album. I like colorful artists. It makes me feel happy in the inside.

    The theme of this album is very focused and does not change in mood at all. It’s all about being happy and upbeat. It may sound mainstream but it does not sound generic at all.

    I loved the production here from Greg Kurstin. I always like how he produces non-generic music with other artists. He is a good collaborator and the fact he is the sole producer for this entire album amazes me.

    Sia’s vocals is harmonious and it fits to any genre. Whether it’s a ballad, or pop or R&B, Sia’s vocals can fit to any genre of music.

    If it wasn’t for the bonus track which is a piano version of I’m in Here, the album would end very abruptly. I did not like how the cover of Madonna’s song Oh Father is the last song of this album but the sad, piano version of I’m in Here is a good song to end this otherwise, happy album.

    This album launched Sia’s career further thanks to her vocals, brilliant, happy, up-beat production from Greg Kurstin. For old-time Sia fans, her fans will feel nostalgic from this album, back to the time when she faces everyone in the audience without fear.
    Full Review »
  3. Feb 2, 2016
    We Are Born is from far the black sheep on Sia's discography - pop songs with heavy instrumentals and happy lyrics - but who said it was a badWe Are Born is from far the black sheep on Sia's discography - pop songs with heavy instrumentals and happy lyrics - but who said it was a bad thing? For sure, tied with Bionic, We Are Born is the most underrated album released in 2010. Full Review »