
Generally favorable reviews - based on 32 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 32
  2. Negative: 2 out of 32
  1. Alternative Press
    The least pretentious--and most accessible--thing AYWKUBTTOD have ever released. That's probably because it sounds a lot like your record collection. [Feb 2005, p.92]
  2. Filter
    This is the best album Trail of Dead has ever made. [#13, p.94]
  3. Simply put, 'Worlds Apart' is a delicately violent piece of art.
  4. Review #1: As pandering as the lyrics may be, they could be forgiven if the songs still brought the rock, and they don’t. [score=35]; Review #2: Worlds Apart is stunning. [score=95]
  5. Entertainment Weekly
    Their punk and indie roots are still very much in evidence... But the separation-of-instruments clarity and punchier dynamics that propel each song owe more to the Who. [28 Jan 2005, p.81]
  6. Uncut
    No less viscerally thrilling [than its predecessor] but pursues a number of ear-bogglingly unlikely paths. [Feb 2005, p.73]
  7. Spin
    Between these boy-noise roils you can see how much the band want to be their generation's Yes. [Feb 2005, p.87]
  8. Under The Radar
    The band's musical scope has significantly expanded in World's Apart, and for the better. [#8, p.105]
  9. On Worlds Apart Trail of Dead sounds utterly reinvigorated yet dangerously reinvented.
  10. All these flowery production choices can at times be quite seductive, despite the glaring mishandling of the vocals astride them.
  11. So they missed the bullseye. But that's no reason to yell "sell out!", or to deride them as poseurs.
  12. All in all it's not the noise rush we were craving - and no, it's not as good as Source Tags - but did anyone really think it could be?
  13. Worlds Apart is an aspiration, an apology, the sound of confusion.
  14. Worlds Apart is the first TOD album that sounds like it was influenced by a marketing department.
  15. It’s the tracks that sit closest to the old Trail of Dead that make up a majority of Worlds Apart’s uninspiring moments and also ruin any cohesion that could have otherwise been attained through the heart of the album.
  16. One of the most cluttered, awkward, and unfocused albums in recent memory.
  17. Trail of Dead has made the album of its career.
  18. Rolling Stone
    A heroic monster of an album. [27 Jan 2005, p.58]
  19. Q Magazine
    Their most coherent statement yet. [Feb 2005, p.100]
  20. It's killer stuff for any frame of mind.
  21. Combining brute force with melody, Worlds Apart is a stunning showcase for AYWKUBTTOD's mature sound, full of unexpected subtleties, musical wild-cards and detours.
  22. But even when ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead slips, it's in the service of exploration. With Worlds Apart, the band takes a confident, blind leap toward a potentially confounding future, and lands solidly and triumphantly.
  23. New Musical Express (NME)
    'Worlds Apart' reads like a suicide note of a band that's tried to intellectualise its place in the canon of Western music and, in doing so, recognised its own irrelevance. [22 Jan 2005, p.51]
  24. Worlds Apart is easily the most accessible album for the band.
  25. Los Angeles Times
    Even Trail of Dead's slightest moments speak with the purpose and ambition of genuine rock 'n' roll intellect and desire. [6 Feb 2005]
  26. Blender
    Unexpectedly clean-cut... the time-signature shifts and feedback swirls that earned them minor adulation are sidelined in favor of pushy, arena-sized choruses. [Mar 2005, p.136]
  27. A frequently astonishing album that combines bruising rock and limp-wristed flourish in almost equal measure.
  28. Mojo
    For all that bombast, though, there's a disappointing, un-Texan restraint. [Feb 2005, p.94]
  29. It's all so precious; let's hope they still break shit live.
  30. The fact that it hides among its excesses a handful of truly excellent rock anthems seems almost like an afterthought, as if, when the band ran out of crazy ideas, they found that there was nothing left to do but write actual songs.
  31. Worlds Apart might be a noble failure, but it would probably be worse if it just revisited previous successes.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 80 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 63 out of 80
  2. Negative: 7 out of 80
  1. Feb 2, 2011
    One of the most inexplicably panned records (by critics not fans) I can remember. Worlds Apart is not perfect but it is a fantastic follow upOne of the most inexplicably panned records (by critics not fans) I can remember. Worlds Apart is not perfect but it is a fantastic follow up to the greatest record they could make (Source Codes...). There are a handful of songs that are absolute classics (Caterwaul, Let It Dive, Rest Will Follow, A Classic Arts Showcase) and while the back end tails off in a different direction it is still majestic and arranged beautifully. I'll never understand what these guys did to turn off all of the hipster blogs that have been panning them ever since this album was released but they deserve better. And if you don't believe me go to a live show and experience their music the way it was meant to be: loud, raw and tightly wound. Full Review »
  2. Oct 19, 2010
    Nice piece of work. I don't want to write a review that would mean that I would have to listen to it right now, I do not want to right now,Nice piece of work. I don't want to write a review that would mean that I would have to listen to it right now, I do not want to right now, but this is still a 10 love it. Is that enough characters now, Full Review »
  3. CaseyP
    Apr 7, 2009
    I was amazingly surprised at the overall negativity of the professional criticism. There's always the question of personal taste, so it I was amazingly surprised at the overall negativity of the professional criticism. There's always the question of personal taste, so it makes no difference to me. I found this album beautifully fulfilling. It's epic and wide scope sweeps over me every time I listen to it. Each and every song finds it's own place on this album, each and every song destroying the preconception made by the previous. Overall, the album is amazing, and contnues to make me listen over and over. Full Review »