
Generally favorable reviews - based on 24 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 24
  2. Negative: 0 out of 24
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  1. Aug 7, 2015
    More than ever, Abyss proves that she knows when to unleash her full fury and when to rein it in, and the results are stunning.
  2. Jul 30, 2015
    Abyss terrifies from start to finish, the haunting work of a twisted genius in her prime.
  3. Aug 6, 2015
    Abyss proves that there's still much work to do in the dark side of alt rock. Chelsea Wolfe is surely ahead of the curve.
  4. Aug 7, 2015
    Wolfe’s act appears, from a distance, to dare that kind of cheap easy success without succumbing to its tastelessness or disposability. Abyss wins that bet across all of its 11 songs, steering close to the simple release of power chorded, full-throttle choruses but often withholding complete release.
  5. Mojo
    Jul 30, 2015
    Abyss is a darkly compelling tour de force. [Sep 2015, p.94]
  6. Aug 7, 2015
    Despite the unsettling nature of Abyss as a whole, it’s a work that is strangely comforting once its charms are fully submitted to.
  7. Aug 17, 2015
    Despite the weak ending, Wolfe brings a chaotic, engulfing sound that makes this one of her heaviest works yet.
  8. Aug 7, 2015
    The songs are long and dynamic, pushing their boundaries to the limit while maintaining spaciousness.
  9. Aug 17, 2015
    However, as depressing as this might read on paper, Abyss has been constructed by Wolfe and co-writer Chisholm with meticulous care and awareness, making it not only her tightest LP to date but also much more enjoyable than its submissive melancholy has any right to be.
  10. Aug 11, 2015
    Abyss may not be a go-to for either late-night or summer listening, but it ably solidifies Wolfe’s presence as a devastatingly unique voice in our current musical climate.
  11. Aug 17, 2015
    Things become a little more introspective later on, with acoustic guitars, abstract soundscapes and restrained percussive patterns taking the fore, but, thankfully, the material remains hypnotic throughout.
  12. Jul 30, 2015
    No matter how aggressive the instrumentation, the music always manages to push things forward, as showcased by the avant-orchestral finale, "The Abyss."
  13. Aug 12, 2015
    Throughout Abyss, Wolfe uses her pain as a powerful tool, revealing the beauty underneath it.
  14. Aug 5, 2015
    Abyss weighs unnecessarily heavy at times--the obvious premise and barely-there smack drum of “Simple Death” doesn’t hold up against the other songs’ more nuanced examinations of the macabre subjects--but Wolfe makes a convincing case to follow her into the underworld.
  15. Aug 5, 2015
    Ultimately, Abyss is like a nightmare. It consumes you, shows you a darkness you'd tried to keep away from, but in the cold of night, wide awake and heart-pumping you can't deny you enjoy the thrill of it.
  16. Aug 7, 2015
    The downside of all this bombast is that the album, taken as a whole, can feel ponderous.
  17. 70
    One never gets the impression that she's battling against or drowning within her riptides; instead the vocals and guitars assume a kind of subservient relationship, the voice somehow calling, from out of the void, the raging whorl.
  18. Sep 8, 2015
    Metal is a cradle-to-grave church of the outsider; birth occurring when you first heard Black Sabbath, Slayer or Metallica. On Abyss, however, Los Angeles' Chelsea Wolfe dabbles in it, owns it, then walks away.
  19. Aug 18, 2015
    Abyss neatly encompasses the totality of her career, synthesizing the artist’s prolific catalog into her strongest and most ambitious album yet, a cavernous chasm filled with beauty, brutality, and endless possibility.
  20. Uncut
    Jul 30, 2015
    Though Abyss' quieter moments are plenty chilling,m Wolfe's brand of anguish best suceeds when she's out to do serious damage. [Sep 2015, p.83]
  21. Aug 6, 2015
    Abyss, like any Wolfe album, is a vast and immersive sonic universe, and her deepest and most personal yet.
  22. Aug 7, 2015
    In lesser hands, Abyss may have collapsed under the weight of its self-seriousness. Instead, Wolfe steps into the cavernous space of her ambition and fills it with an assured collection of songs that are unsettling in their commitment to sorrow.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 52 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 48 out of 52
  2. Negative: 2 out of 52
  1. Aug 8, 2015
    I was really interested to see where Chelsea Wolfe would be heading with her music after the change in artistry she displayed with her lastI was really interested to see where Chelsea Wolfe would be heading with her music after the change in artistry she displayed with her last release 'Pain is Beauty'; another very fine album. Her latest release of 'Abyss' has yet another shift into a much darker and vulnerable place, and it's absolutely fantastic to be there.

    Throughout 'Abyss', Chelsea shows a lot of influence from metal, but does so in a way that doesn't detract from her trademark sounds and melodies. The result is both brutal and heartbreaking. It's a little reminiscent of her 'Apokalypsis' album, but with a more refined pallet. The production on 'Abyss' might be where this album shines the most. It envelops the listener into the world Chelsea is painting with her music in such a way that captures everything this album wants to be.

    My only criticism of 'Abyss' is that it does drag out a tad with the last few songs, but these are still wonderful tracks. There isn't one bad moment to be had and Chelsea has come through yet again with a solid, timeless album.

    Favourite tracks: Carrion Flowers, Maw, After the Fall, Crazy Love
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  2. Aug 29, 2015
    What an amazing album, to date this is one of my favorite in my collection of mixed genres from rap to country. Iron Moon is a powerful,What an amazing album, to date this is one of my favorite in my collection of mixed genres from rap to country. Iron Moon is a powerful, powerful song. Her collaborations seem to be work really well. I love the boys from Russian Circles and to see her carry on a working relationship after Memorial is a delight to hear.
    Unfortunately I am late to her bandwagon party, only hearing her music by chance from listening to the new music featured on Itunes. But in the end, now that I've purchased two of her albums and will complete the collection soon enough it's nice to have a new artist to listen to regardless when I discovered her. .
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  3. May 7, 2017
    Abyss is that metaphorical black dog of depression painted as a wolf; not a quiet melancholy tugging at your leg every morning, but a fierce,Abyss is that metaphorical black dog of depression painted as a wolf; not a quiet melancholy tugging at your leg every morning, but a fierce, hungry, soul-sapping monster biting at your neck.
    Chelsea Wolfe's album is a menacing, beautiful and crushing masterpiece. Its sound palette is grungey and industrial, and Wolfe's ethereal vocals float on top of the walls of distortion like a spectral haunting. It's consistently gloomy, but delivers enough light and dark to avoid becoming monotonous. There are fantastic choruses and crescendos throughout - Iron Moon and Dragged Out being particular highlights. Wolfe should be proud.
    Score: 9/10 [Excellent]
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