• Record Label: Sub Pop
  • Release Date: Apr 8, 2008

Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
  1. Promise delivered, divided by expectations frenzied, multiplied by still-evident potential for future releases… equals a Pitchfork-style 8.6.
  2. They do make thoroughly exciting music that becomes quickly airborne, able to move the listener to a different plane with disarming ease.
  3. Their debut sounds sleek and exhilarating, although Foals seem cautious about completely breaking out of the punk-funk strictures that have confined them so far.
  4. 'Balloons' and 'Cassius' will prompt widespread jerking movements on indie dancefloors, but it would be nice to hear them let their hearts rule their heads for a change.
  5. These are early days, of course, but some worrying lapses into blustery Editors’ territory aside, Foals prove to be a tricksy, livewire prospect.
  6. Mojo
    Antidotes feels like riding a tea-tray down an icy mountainside. [Apr 2008, p.106]
  7. 70
    They never let math get in the way of a good time. [Apr 2008, p.96]
  8. 80
    This is an exciting debut.
  9. Antidotes is frequently exhilarating, challenging but immediate, cryptic and catchy, calm then frantic, as intricate, itchy fret-webs are weaved around Afrobeat drums and far-out sonics.
  10. Philippakis loves further obscuring cryptic lyrics with his delirious yawps. Mostly that's fine, since sublimely hypnotic arrangements of horn bursts and techno glitch beats generally render meaning unnecessary. But all that yelping about "electric shocks" ("Big Big Love [Fig. 2]") might be better buried in a dub mix.
  11. A perfectly executed debut as might be expected from a band championed in OMM53 for their mathematical precision.
  12. Q Magazine
    While there is no denying the heady rush of the band in full flow, predictability creeps in over 45 minutes. [Apr 2008, p.113]
  13. By tossing some horns and a variety of dark basslines into the mix, the U.K. quintet creates intense, unique songs that are more than a sum of their influences.
  14. Foals make hard, trebly, uncomfortable, spiky, anxious, uptight, straining-to-be-different music, and for all that, it’s rather good.
  15. Foals are a tight band with hook-laden grooves. Not worth the hype, but definitely worth keeping an eye on.
  16. The two guitars pick out cascading notes--never chords--against one another, the bass borrows from both Interpol and Gang of Four, and Philippakis' voice cries out in repetition wonderfully, but it's these occasional horn bursts, the electronic chops and blips, that truly complete the songs, making "Antidotes" not merely a lesson in post-new wave noodling, but evidence of the power and excitement of the genre and music itself.
  17. These moments of misplaced weight make Antidotes hard to recommend, but there are good ideas and moments all over the record.
  18. Under The Radar
    Antidotes is a great dance-rock record, but Foals still have a few lessons to learn before they reinvent the genre. [Spring 2008, p.76]
  19. While it's true that the sheer precision of their playing is what makes some songs as great as they are, the organic touches of horns and textural washes of electronics help the group move into ground that hasn't been mined as much.
  20. It's hard not to admire the jerky, clean-toned guitar scribbles on 'Cassius,' but most of the rest of the song sounds like a Franz Ferdinand b-side.
  21. Thanks in part to indie super-producer David Andrew Sitek, they've got a vibrant sonic presence, and they write excellent songs.
  22. They have crafted a terrific debut album and are prime to make a dent in the indie community.
  23. Alternative Press
    Fantastic. This is the best new band Sub Pop has worked with in years. [June 2008, p.131]
  24. Antidotes might be a touch weird, enough to earn the badge of “musician’s music”, and its cryptic lyricism isn’t typical of a romp. But when Foals’ rhythms bristle and their guitars go colorfully spastic, the art house and dance house become one and the same.
  25. Two forgettable bonus tracks tacked on to Sub Pop’s U.S. edition of Antidotes don’t help on that score. We don’t need any more of what’s already here.
  26. Antidotes is really a pleasurable record that found itself displaced by its worn-out, second-hand clothing
  27. 60
    You can only imagine the verbal bonbons Gallagher has in store for Oxford’s Foals, whose bristling, high-energy dance shtick borrows heavily from better U.K. bands--and whose members were gracing magazine covers months before the release of this underwhelming debut.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 83 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 70 out of 83
  2. Negative: 6 out of 83
  1. Sep 15, 2019
    Well, Antidotes by Foals in a great math rock debut album. It has a lot of energy that Foals have. (8/10)

    Favorite tracks: Olympic Airways
    Well, Antidotes by Foals in a great math rock debut album. It has a lot of energy that Foals have. (8/10)

    Favorite tracks: Olympic Airways and Tron.
    Least favorite tracks: Red Socks Pugie and Like Swimming.
    Full Review »
  2. Feb 28, 2018
    This review contains spoilers, click full review link to view. Rythmically it's interesting, because the drummer is amazing. Unfortunately, this brand of 'math-rock' or prog-rock, whetever you want to call it, doesn't provide any emotion. Music should be about making you feel a type of way, but this album just doesn't do that, because it focuses too much on the intellectual aspect of the music. It reminds me of Silent Alarm by Bloc Party in that regard, except BP provide more emotion despite being a similar style of indie rock. Full Review »
  3. Jun 9, 2015
    This album is one of the cornerstones of what silly indie pop is. It contains some hints of math-rock (IMHO an useless sub-genre of prog-rock)This album is one of the cornerstones of what silly indie pop is. It contains some hints of math-rock (IMHO an useless sub-genre of prog-rock) but they seem really out of place and casual. There's no real sound research or study under this album, which is also difficult to hear from start to finish. Full Review »