• Record Label: 4AD
  • Release Date: Feb 24, 2023

Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
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  1. Feb 22, 2023
    Bless This Mess is another chapter of U.S. Girls' consistent evolution marked by pristine production and a deft balance of hooks and soul-baring beauty, with Remy pulling off the feat of intertwining some of her most emotionally complex material with what might be her most accessible sounds yet.
  2. Mar 1, 2023
    It’s somehow arguably her most wide-ranging album (stylistically and topically) while also feeling remarkably of a piece; succinct even.
  3. Feb 27, 2023
    At once a joyous, celebratory ode to motherhood, elsewhere finding quiet liberation and acceptance during life’s darkest moments, it’s clear, Meg Remy has delivered her most hopeful album yet.
  4. Feb 24, 2023
    Bless This Mess feels like a rebirth; a boundless, alien take on Remy's explosive art-pop, its conceptual wildness and sonic friskiness allowing her to flex her vision and sense of humour in brand new ways.
  5. Feb 28, 2023
    These songs find her shaping her thoughts on motherhood, romance, the universe, and death into some of the most accessible music of her career, telling the tales of our bodies and what comes after in a mesh of psychedelic funk and earworm hooks.
  6. Feb 27, 2023
    It’s also a disco-funk explosion, ecstatic from every direction. Even when the satire wanes, the potency of the music remains. Like the rest of the album, Remy shakes free her sorrows and stretches loose her limbs, sanguine as she moves across the dancefloor.
  7. Mar 3, 2023
    Meg Remy and her collaborators have channeled her recognition of the communicative depth of dance music with creative, nearly flawless production. The result invites us to consider and embrace this blessed mess that is our bond and is an early frontrunner for consideration among the year’s best albums.
  8. Feb 28, 2023
    If it is a mess, it’s a glorious one.
  9. 70
    Remy’s new tracks are more slickly produced, built around retro and upbeat sounds.
  10. The Wire
    Mar 21, 2023
    While the lack of fixed personnel gives the album a gloriously freewheeling mixtape feel, Remy’s lyrics and persona in these songs, – particularly the wondrous title track and the miraculous “Tux” – demonstrate both a sleep deprived hunger for changes of spiritual and musical trajectory – sometimes within a single song – but also a recurrent return to elemental, physical needs, and the sheer lambent wonder of the grooves and hooks always keeps you rapt. [Mar 2023, p.60]
  11. Uncut
    Feb 22, 2023
    With the genre-hopping feel of a high-concept mixtape, Bless This Mess calls on a wide cast of collaborators. [Apr 2023, p.38]
  12. Mar 3, 2023
    Bless This Mess splits the difference between Remy’s last two outings. Considerably more focused than 2020’s Heavy Light, but also foregoing the scuzzy charms of 2018’s In a Poem Unlimited.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 9 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Feb 28, 2023
    'bless this mess' is a muddled mess, trying its best to reach for style and substance but ultimately achieving neither.