• Record Label: Heavenly
  • Release Date: Oct 28, 2016

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
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  1. Jan 6, 2017
    Clear Shot, the Brighton, UK band’s third LP, brims with catchy melodies and straightforward performances--only the richly layered production really betrays any overt psychedelic influence.
  2. Dec 13, 2016
    Clear Shot makes few indentations and leaves few fingerprints behind; any temporary effect it had on your mood can be quickly wiped away and replaced by whatever music you choose to listen to next.
  3. Nov 15, 2016
    'I'm Still Believing' and 'Dream Orchestrator' provide capable reminders of Toy's cosmic rock outs from yore but its the dreamier, lovelorn compositions that steal the limelight and honours here.
  4. Nov 14, 2016
    Even if it does cover too much ground, Clear Shot is another fine effort from a talented band who tend to get caught adrift in their own ways.
  5. Nov 7, 2016
    It doesn't completely click right away, but after about five or six plays, it all starts to make sense. It also helps to listen to this at night, but once it gets its claws in you, you're hooked.
  6. Nov 2, 2016
    Fortunately, for every formless track, there are two more like the brilliantly buoyant "Dream Orchestrator," a glimpse of 21st century psych-pop at its finest. Moments like this make Clear Shot TOY's most ambitious and rewarding album yet.
  7. Nov 1, 2016
    All in all, it’s a melodic, sprawling record to wig-out to; and one that means that Clear Shot hits the mark indeed.
  8. Oct 31, 2016
    Its follow-up is equally intriguing (influences include Ennio Morricone film scores and psychedelic folk), but also feels heavy-going in places.
  9. Mojo
    Oct 28, 2016
    While they haven't suddenly become a different proposition, they are exploring structure and metre. [Dec 2016, p.88]
  10. Oct 28, 2016
    It’s one that sees TOY testing the water for the future blueprint of their music, which seems only to be building on its successes.
  11. Oct 27, 2016
    It’s another fine effort from a band who are gradually building up an absorbing catalogue.
  12. Oct 26, 2016
    Earlier generations of psych fans had the Grateful Dead and Pink Floyd to worship and pursue on tour. Now, three albums in, TOY could become this generation’s long-haired psychedelic heroes to follow around in VW campers.
  13. Q Magazine
    Oct 25, 2016
    They're at their best when they keep it succinct, as on I'm Still Believing and Another Dimension. Their longer songs are less successful. [Dec 2016, p.115]
  14. Uncut
    Oct 25, 2016
    On their third album, this Brighton via London quintet seem to have finally harnessed their Krautrock pulses, shoegazy guitars and MBV distortion to some decent songs. [Dec 2016, p.38]
  15. Oct 25, 2016
    As a third album, it's an interesting station on the way to potential greatness, and it will definitively put the group on more than a few radars. Above all, on this album TOY makes us feel really excited about Brit-pop again, which itself is no small feat.
  16. Oct 25, 2016
    It’s the sound of a band dabbling in other areas whilst still maintaining something of their roots, and as long as they don’t stray too far from the path that they have clearly mastered then they’re a band worth sticking with as they make their sonic explorations.
  17. 70
    There's nothing particularly wrong with Clear Shot. It's a perfectly acceptable album, only it sounds like they're holding back a little.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 7 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Nov 14, 2016
    Do not lose sight of this music band. Without being a disc of 10, they begin to climb. Simple and straightforward, you end up listening to itDo not lose sight of this music band. Without being a disc of 10, they begin to climb. Simple and straightforward, you end up listening to it several times. At least two songs will be in my compilation this year 2016. Full Review »
  2. Nov 6, 2016
    Further enhancing their sound and further delving into their own world, TOY prove that they are not only here to stay, but also that they areFurther enhancing their sound and further delving into their own world, TOY prove that they are not only here to stay, but also that they are one of the household names you come back to again and again for years to come. Full Review »