
Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. As on Anniemal, Don't Stop contains some of the catchiest, most clever dance-pop in circulation....The collaborations with Xenomania (five songs), Timo Kaukolampi (three), and Richard X (one) aren’t as powerful, however, with a good handful of their songs no match for Anniemal’s weaker moments.
  2. Annie steals listeners' hearts with her light-as-a-feather vocal delivery and infectious beats.
  3. Don’t Stop is an electro-pop truffle--a tasty confection with a hard, glossy shell surrounding a smooth, melt-in-your-ear interior of cheeky, playful lyrics.
  4. The inescapable feeling that Don’t Stop probably won’t sell all that many copies makes the songs sound like electric guitars without amplifiers. There are only so many things a musician can provide and sadly Annie has it all but that key component.
  5. Don't Stop is bubblegum fun with long-lasting flavor.
  6. Featuring some of the most inventive producers in pop and steered by a singer who knows her way round a catchy melody or five, Don't Stop is one of the best pop albums of 2009.
  7. The lead single has been switched more times than a Sugababes member and the tracklisting has been mercurial. But, oh boy, was it worth the wait.
  8. It’s an inspired recasting of Annie’s wispy voice[on 'Marie Cherie'], which seems to ring truest when draped in melancholy. That vulnerability--more than anything else--sets Annie apart from the pack.
  9. Not every song on Don't Stop or its bonus All Night EP is a classic, but Annie's good taste has yielded another fine crop of pop tunes.
  10. All tracks considered, Annie makes a significant step forward with Don’t Stop. That step that might have taken awhile to hit the floor, but was well placed when it did.
  11. Some of these songs do, of course, belong on the radio: They’re saturated with production effects catered to a generation that calls its designer drug “ecstasy,” all wrapped around indulgent hooks, sentimental lyrics, and a sweet voice airbrushed into flawlessness. But Annie flaunts too much.
  12. Her second LP, re-tweaked after a leak and a label change, refines her Euro-disco with more flavors and fewer hooks. Still, the music remains rapturous and cheeky.
  13. Annie deserves credit for attempting to stretch, both vocally and lyrically, but she's better off when quietly lamenting lost love or championing the power of the dance floor to bring people together, as she effectively does on the opening track 'Hey Annie.'
  14. 70
    Don't Stop boasts gleaming dance-pop production from first-album collaborators Richard X and Timo Kaukolampi, plus Bloc Party/Kate Nash producer Paul Epworth and Franz Ferdinand's Alex Kapranos.
  15. Anyone who can bring real emotion to lines like “How does it feel to hear your songs on the radio? / And does it hurt to hear your songs on the radio?” deserves to be a real star.
  16. Novelty is only part of what makes pop work, and on Don’t Stop, Annie brings enough of the other stuff--hooks, grooves, and a combination of sass and sincerity--to make you forgive her tardiness.
  17. It's a delightful confection, filled with attention to detail and perfectly turned--and deserving of your attention.
  18. Uncut
    Fragrant ballads "When The Night" and "Marie Cheri" add a softer dimension to a bold collection on which Annie rarely puts a foot wrong. [Nov 2009, p. 81]
  19. 90
    Thanks to collaborations with Richard X, Franz Ferdinand’s Alex Kapranos and Xenomania’s Brian Higgins, Annie’s cross-genre “pop with strange edges” still comes together with plenty of bang.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 25 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 25
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 25
  3. Negative: 3 out of 25
  1. Jun 19, 2011
    Annie is one of the most underrated dance/pop artists out there. After hearing "Chewing Gum" last year I instantly tried to find "Anniemal".Annie is one of the most underrated dance/pop artists out there. After hearing "Chewing Gum" last year I instantly tried to find "Anniemal". After hearing it and loving it "Don't Stop" easily impressed me. Make sure you buy the 2-CD edition with "All Night EP". Full Review »