
Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. Eleventh Hour, his largely self-produced fifth solo album--and first in eight years--lacks much of both the lyrical and instrumental verve of his best records.
  2. The label's tendency toward bottom-heavy, fog-thick beats sounds awful nice under Del's syrupy brainiac flow, which goes back to his battle-rap basics here.
  3. His Eleventh Hour streams seem to glorify a pre-evolved hip hop.
  4. It is certainly a satisfying listen, worthy of a sensible level of recommendation.
  5. This is brown-bag Del, uncomplex and uncut. Unfortunately, Del's self-produced beats sometimes blur the line between elegant simplicity and tedium.
  6. Under The Radar
    He remains in fine form, as if frozen in time since 1991. [Winter 2008, p.90]
  7. Urb
    Vocally, Del may have lost some of his lyrical miracles and "spectacular vernacular" from albums past, but his unquestionably familar cadence hasn't budged a bit. [Jan/Feb 2008, p.104]
  8. Still, for an album that pushes the limits of how much you can say about so little, the stuff that's said rarely fails to be entertaining in the pure linguistically structural sense.
  9. 70
    The beats are subtle, but solid, better suited to a small, late-night party than a major disturbance. [Mar 2008, p.104]
  10. Eleventh Hour is certainly not a disappointment: Del's as good of a rapper as ever, and the way he fits his words into the beats, playing with his and their cadence, is truly spectacular, but he needs to challenge himself--and his listeners--more, lyrically and beat-wise, instead of relying on the same tried-and-true methods, if he really wants to continue his legacy.
  11. Dark, cathartic and hardcore, Del stays true to himself.
  12. Entertainment Weekly
    Funky as ever, the homosapien manages to evolve again, this time by embracing sounds of the past. [28 Mar 2008, p.65]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 5 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. OwenS.
    Apr 22, 2008
    Del never lets down. He goes places on this album he has not gone before, or has he? While not as good as Deltron 3030 it is definately worth Del never lets down. He goes places on this album he has not gone before, or has he? While not as good as Deltron 3030 it is definately worth rolling around in the car getting funkdafied to. Full Review »
  2. PaulC
    Apr 15, 2008
    Nothing special. Del is still an amusing rapper, but nothing on this album really stands out. Don't waste your time. Listen to Deltron Nothing special. Del is still an amusing rapper, but nothing on this album really stands out. Don't waste your time. Listen to Deltron or the Hieroglyphics instead. Full Review »
  3. SDK
    Mar 18, 2008
    Self produced, self fulfilling. A funky ray of hope for the hip-hop world to take notes from. Yes, DEL is back and for all y'all who Self produced, self fulfilling. A funky ray of hope for the hip-hop world to take notes from. Yes, DEL is back and for all y'all who thought hip-hop was stagnant, take a gander at 11th hour and remember the lyrical and beat minded 5th of November. Full Review »