
Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
  1. Urb
    Painfully unexciting. [Mar 2006, p.122]
  2. It's what Sigur Ros might sound like if they came from Arizona, and it's truly excellent.
  3. The best thing about Garden Ruin is the way they look beyond country borders to engage with the wider world, both culturally and musically.
  4. There is a new-found ferocity at play.
  5. These are the kind of songs that gnaw their way into your consciousness.
  6. This time, the album’s a one-trick pony.
  7. Many of the familiar signifiers are gone, yet their well crafted and characteristically tuneful compostions still have a recognizable Calexico feel.
  8. The lack of truly classic Calexico moments marks the album as a transitory step: too far for some, not enough for others.
  9. Despite the occasional moment when Garden Ruin sounds like a garden-variety alt-country-rock album, its moments of pure Calexico charm outweigh its missteps.
  10. Ultimately, this album ends up being a more naturalistic take on Calexico's sound; just because it's less stylized doesn't mean it's less interesting -- it just takes a little more time for Garden Ruin's power to reveal itself.
  11. Garden Ruin’s arrangements simply don’t arrest the senses as forcefully as its intelligent and aggrieved wordplay merits.
  12. In the end, Garden Ruin feels like a transitional album that will bear greater fruit later on.
  13. At its best, Calexico does expand, opening the range of sounds to provide for new colors of expression; when it doesn't work, that open sound means a turn toward the basic, allowing prettiness to get in the way of sonic content.
  14. I'd never wanted Calexico to change, but the new direction suits them well, proving that even in the face of radical metamorphosis, they remain as stunning and distinctive as ever.
  15. Fans of Calexico's darker, rougher, and more cinematic work will pine for just that, even though the band's clearly evolving on Garden Ruin.
  16. This new set fills in the spaces with sweeter, fuller arrangements, but the songs are hit and miss.
  17. It's the band's die-hards who will have to put in a good deal more work with Garden Ruin, an album that seems destined to be regarded as a "transitional" record a few years out.
  18. Under The Radar
    Their most accessible collection of songs to date. [#13, p.83]
  19. "Cruel" sounds like a mini-symphony, as do the fragile, faintly psychedelic "Panic Open String" and the post-Beatles singer-songwriter ballad "Lucky Dime."
  20. Uncut
    Burns and Convertino prove they can play it relatively straight, without sacrificing Calexico's hard-earned status as a band that matters. [May 2006, p.104]
  21. New Musical Express (NME)
    There's always something heartwarming about a band discovering pop well into their career, especially when it sounds as good as this. [1 Apr 2006, p.43]
  22. Mojo
    Some of its finest moments are its most intimate and least arranged. [May 2006, p.99]
  23. Magnet
    There are moments when all this earnestness turns sickly and Burns gets too serious about his gifts... but the eclectic moments of bass, banjo and French vocals... manage to jerk things back into focus. [#71, p.88]
  24. 75
    Calexico have abandoned much of the jazzy, mariachi-infused Americana pulses that characterized their former sound.
  25. Q Magazine
    There's still enough trail dust on the seat of their experimental pants to delight country rock eggheads. [May 2006, p.123]
  26. Entertainment Weekly
    True, some distinctiveness has been lost along the way, but that is largely recompensed by the quality of such tracks as "Cruel," "All Systems Red," and the quite beautiful "Bisbee Blue." [26 May 2006, p.106]
  27. Garden Ruin is good, but there are a bazillion alt-country Coors rockers who could pull this off, and coming from an outfit with such a remarkable past body of work it is a disappointment.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 26 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 26
  2. Negative: 2 out of 26
  1. SotirisT
    Feb 2, 2007
    A very good album. Not what Calexico fans were expecting but this album marks the exploring of new music horizons by Calexico.
  2. Jon
    Aug 17, 2006
    It's the songs, people. Try to get "Yours and Mine" or "Bisbee Blue" out of your head. And the arrangements: less "cinematic," more It's the songs, people. Try to get "Yours and Mine" or "Bisbee Blue" out of your head. And the arrangements: less "cinematic," more economical...the horn section in "Cruel" lifts the sadness and tension of the song with a welcome kiss. Solid, solid stuff. Full Review »
  3. adric
    Jul 13, 2006