
Universal acclaim - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
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  1. Oct 16, 2017
    If The Epic was a very large and rich meal then Harmony of Difference is a palate-cleansing sorbet or digestif. On the surface there is nothing unyielding or dense about it and everything flows together wonderfully, but once you start to scratch the surface you discover an EP that is full of hidden melodies and motifs and has enough to charm to make up for its brevity.
  2. The Wire
    Oct 11, 2017
    Washington can flirt with bombast and kitsch, but his commitment is undeniable and the tunes are great. [Oct 2017, p.68]
  3. Oct 9, 2017
    Rather than living in the past or getting lost in modernity, Washington coalesces these two worlds, providing a dramatic move forward without losing his identity in the process.
  4. Oct 2, 2017
    While Harmony Of Difference will delight jazz fans, it is a truly incredible record irrespective of genre. If you are capable of feeling, you will find much to love here.
  5. 80
    Each sophisticated melody and harmony may seem jarring and sometimes uncomfortable--as is the way with jazz music--but underneath the spiritual solos and out-there notes, there is a simple, familiar sound--and here lies the beauty of the Harmony Of Difference.
  6. Oct 2, 2017
    Washington delivers an LP's worth of ideas, vision and passion into only six tracks and 33 minutes of music.
  7. 80
    Washington warmly traverses various themes (across both subject and music) and--via the wailing sax on Humility, the sleazy funk of Perspective, and the quasi-bossa nova of Integrity--it’s an enriching listen.
  8. 91
    This is a record where the sum is greater than the parts, whereas The Epic was its parts (and having a lot of them). Harmony of Difference is another win in Kamasi Washington’s book.
  9. Sep 29, 2017
    A tidy EP under 32 minutes, but it still manages to cover plenty of ground.
  10. Sep 28, 2017
    It's chock-full of refreshing, sophisticated ideas, all balanced by an empathic, emphatic inclusiveness that engages the listener at both musical and emotional levels.
  11. Sep 28, 2017
    Each of these six tracks features a big, blustery, banal, unsatisfyingly static melody that is repeated over and over and over again, restated each time by horns, guitar, strings and choir.
  12. Sep 28, 2017
    On Harmony of Difference, Washington’s work remains as substantial and compelling as ever, and with any luck this EP is setting the scene for another, longer release from him soon.
  13. Sep 28, 2017
    His music is both a challenge and a balm, the starting point of a conversation and a place you can go to meditate on what’s been said.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 19 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 19
  2. Negative: 1 out of 19
  1. Sep 30, 2017
    Harmony of Difference, unlike Washington's last release, "The Epic," is much more appealing to a new listener of jazz, it is just over 30Harmony of Difference, unlike Washington's last release, "The Epic," is much more appealing to a new listener of jazz, it is just over 30 minutes long and has only 1 track that exceeds 5 minutes. This project is focused, cathartic, and a must listen. Full Review »