
Universal acclaim - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Alternative Press
    It's a tidy package that's well-planned and executed, but with a few pop songs so well written, it's easy to want the band to shift directions and let the post-rock go by the wayside. [Sep 2009, p.100]
  2. As a breakup narrative, it’s successful. As pop music, it’s either too insular or simply unable to turn Silberman’s own experience into something one would desire to revisit.
  3. This quintet of musicians are making a name for themselves and with Hospice, they have remarkably made one of 2009’s best albums.
  4. Hospice is an album of white walls, long desolate passages, and sudden blitzkriegs of high emotional drama – it’s not always comforting, but the players are hyper-attentive to the nuances of each note and lyric.
  5. Filter
    Hospice accomplishes volumes by the addition of drumer Michael Lerner and multi-instrumentlist Darby Cicci, creating an expansively profound album addressing life's most transitory and fragile states. [Summer 2009, p.94]
  6. Brooklyn's latest greatest deliver heartbreaking concept album.
  7. Hospice sits squarely in this camp, a heartbreaking aural experience that hits us on a deeper level.
  8. Mojo
    This soaring album defines emotional shoegazing. [Dec 2009, p. 101]
  9. Hospice succeeds by conveying deeply personal traumas as universally appreciable truths, until one man's lonely, painful catharsis transmogrifies into something panoramic and shared by all.
  10. Hospice isn’t uplifting or hopeful; it explores themes of dejection through delicate, beautiful sounds.
  11. Hospice answers silliness with solemnity, jitters with nerve. Their band name simply describes their music: a delicately branching instrument of force.
  12. Hospice is a fully-realized and fully-functional concept album.
  13. Hospice mixes the personal and fictional in a way that few indie albums outside releases from Arcade Fire and Neutral Milk Hotel tend to do. Granted, Antlers aren’t in that league yet, but Hospice positions them as one of the more exciting young bands in indie rock today.
  14. Q Magazine
    A musical vigil primed to cut a path from bedside to festival stage. [Dec 2009, p. 111]
  15. 70
    Hospice is packed with lofty choruses and extended instrumental passages (the alternately elegiac and tedious 'Atrophy'). But with emotional drama in abundance (mostly from vocalist Peter Silberman’s fiery, tormented shouts), sonic indulgences like the astral guitar blasts on “Thirteen” offer genuine catharsis.
  16. It’s obvious Hospice is an album Silberman made for himself, one that we’re just privileged to listen to and enjoy. So sit back, listen, and consider yourself lucky, punk.
  17. There’s a straightforward appeal to the album’s dynamism and fatalism, but that appeal swells with each close listen.
  18. Somehow, the lighter Hospice gets, the heavier it hits.
  19. Hospice is a work of rare beauty and a watershed moment in The Antlers’ career.
  20. Uncut
    Best is "Sylvia", where Bon Iver's intimacy, Arcade Fire's ambition, Sigur Ros' other-worldly reach and Flaming Lips' psych experimentalism collide. [Dec 2009, p. 98]
  21. Silberman's compulsion to write these songs may have been cathartic for him, but listening to them is most certainly cathartic for all of us.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 157 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 13 out of 157
  1. Dec 31, 2014
    It's more than a bunch of songs; it's a complete work of art, a story, a life, a new and aural experience. Few albums had such impact in myIt's more than a bunch of songs; it's a complete work of art, a story, a life, a new and aural experience. Few albums had such impact in my life so as to change it significantly: Hospice is one of them. It's simply magic. Full Review »
  2. May 22, 2011
    basically it goes like this

    Song 1... Prologue... is the prologue Song 2... Kettering... girl is in hospital because a guy beat her up
    basically it goes like this

    Song 1... Prologue... is the prologue

    Song 2... Kettering... girl is in hospital because a guy beat her up with a bone... she's really sad and quiet but her nurse decides to take care of her because its his job

    Song 3... Atrophy... he does surgery to take the bullets out of her body and puts them inside of himself... it makes him so sad that he gives her "a trophy" for making him so sad...

    Song 4... Bear... while he is performing surgery he finds out that there is actually a live bear inside her stomach as well, he gets into an argument with the bear about whether they're too old or not old at all

    Thirteen... while he is doing surgery there is a little woman inside where the bear was and it sings a song to him asking to pull her out also

    Two... I dunno what this song is about really but i think he's talking about her past and then the doctor tells him he has to stop trying to help her because there is way too much **** inside her... the bear has grown angry and it breaks all the light bulbs and glass rains down from the ceiling...

    Shiva... she takes off a ring and puts it on his finger and it turns him into Shiva, from the Final Fantasy series, but as he's transforming the "sensation is shivers" because he's ice elemental and it's real cold

    Wake... spoiler alert... he wakes up and it was all a dream... but then a helicopter comes outside his window and she's inside of it but he ties the rope around his neck... and dies

    Epilogue... they both die and they are buried together but they are still alive and she is screaming so much that he can't sleep
    Full Review »
  3. Jun 18, 2017
    while listening to this album, I felt something that I want to feel while listening to any album. I felt like the music knew what it waswhile listening to this album, I felt something that I want to feel while listening to any album. I felt like the music knew what it was doing. It felt like the music was a sad and old guy with a lantern, who led me through the dark forest of his thoughts, sometimes taking a road I wouldn't expect him to go on but always deserving my trust. You could just listen to this album and let the music take you on a gloomy, melancholic adventure. Although I get why there's comments about the overwhelming sadness of this record, there's no point in denying the writing skills and the noticeable musical talent the antlers have. Full Review »