
Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
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  1. Apr 11, 2011
    Whatever the reason, it's a great-sounding record.
  2. Apr 18, 2011
    Crystal Stilts find a way to make you care, though, and that goes along way with music this raw and rapturous.
  3. Apr 11, 2011
    Crystal Stilts hasn't broken from what made it good in the first place -- but In Love With Oblivion proves that the group is coming into its own.
  4. Apr 26, 2011
    In Love With Oblivion stands as a solid second attempt for a group with a promising future.
  5. Apr 26, 2011
    For all its clever-clever effects and pose-throwing, In Love With Oblivion is a big fun record meant to be blasted through the loudest speakers possible.
  6. May 23, 2011
    Little has changed for Crystal Stilts since 2008's Alight of Night, though maybe the guitars cheered up a bit. That's A-OK; they come through with such a sort of oblivious, Suicide-meets-Spiritualized feel, you'll be in love, too.
  7. Crystal Stilts, like The Cure or The Jesus And Mary Chain before them, understand that the beauty is in the balance.
  8. Apr 19, 2011
    In Love With Oblivion may only display grey intonations on first impression, but multiple spins begin to unfurl its ghoulish sense of atmosphere.
  9. Apr 7, 2011
    Oblique by pop standards, the album's full of raw, tightly wound energy.
  10. Apr 14, 2011
    If, like me, you're one of the admirers, then there's plenty to like here. If not, well, give it a shot anyway-- who knows, you might find something you like.
  11. Jun 16, 2011
    This may be one of the most depressing albums released all year, but it's also one of indie rock's most surprisingly melodic and historically aware.
  12. Q Magazine
    May 18, 2011
    While they may have broken the slacker's code, the results are worth it. [May 2011, p.115]
  13. 88
    In Love with Oblivion finds the band more upbeat than ever, channeling Flying Nun–era sounds with melodic riffs, handclaps, and chugging bass.
  14. The Wire
    May 3, 2011
    In Love With Oblivion is best when it's tough, primitive and direct. [Apr 2011, p.67]
  15. Apr 15, 2011
    In Love With Oblivion is generic in the best sense of the term, a record that blasts a bright light through its otherwise dead sources.
  16. Under The Radar
    Jun 8, 2011
    The album is a quantum leap for the band sonically, conjuring all the right ghosts of rock's past while infusing enough strut and swagger to compensate for their blatant cribbing. [May 2011, p.84]

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