
Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
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  1. Jul 16, 2015
    Instrumentals 2015 feels like a successful reinvention after such a lengthy absence, but at the same time, it could've been beamed in at any point during FSA's existence, as its elemental, bare-basics construction isn't beholden to any trends, and therefore it feels timeless.
  2. Jul 13, 2015
    A gorgeous, triumphant return.
  3. Aug 3, 2015
    Ultimately, Instrumentals 2015 is minor in everything but the quality of the music--and that seems a very FSA-like play indeed.
  4. Overlong at almost an hour but, largely, as pretty and organic as crystal.
  5. Jul 15, 2015
    The strangeness and slightness of Instrumentals 2015 is admittedly refreshing in our age of overdoing it, and it does fit with the whisper that is Pearce's overall career arc, but when placed next to Flying Saucer Attack's best music, it still comes off like a faint echo.
  6. Jul 14, 2015
    Instrumentals balances simplicity and depth, abrasiveness and beauty, with rare skill, reminding anyone who does not already know that Flying Saucer Attack are masters of this type of music.
  7. Jul 16, 2015
    Instrumentals 2015 is Flying Saucer Attackā€™s first album in 15 years, and it can only enhance their mystique.
  8. 90
    In excelling at hoping to convey music--or in this case, a suite--with a deliberate emotional arc, Pearce has re-established himself as an auteur to be reckoned with, delivering one of the very best albums of the year in the process.
  9. Jul 14, 2015
    All in all, Instrumentals 2015 is an admirable piece of work from a man who seems to take direction from few others.
  10. The Wire
    Jul 27, 2015
    It feels like a resumption of a music that has been going on uninterrupted, in private, like it was music playing itself forever. [Jul 2015, p.48]
  11. Jul 29, 2015
    Even with the complete lack of song-oriented material, Instrumentals 2015 serves as an interesting career overview and a welcome return of someone who I had begun to believe had slipped entirely into the light of time.
  12. Uncut
    Jul 7, 2015
    There's rich melodies buried in many of these tracks. [Aug 2015, p.73]

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