• Record Label: Domino
  • Release Date: Feb 8, 2005

Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
  1. The songs are wearier than ever and full of life at the same time, with each element seeming to fall into place by sheer luck.
  2. Outside Closer seems to have mined an infinitesimal point on the musical map, something near the intersection of RJD2, Sigur Rós and Iron & Wine. It’s the detail and obsession with which Hood has excavated this minute point that makes the album so warmly, hopelessly riveting.
  3. Do yourself a favour and eschew fashion for something with real substance: Outside Closer is an album of the year, fact.
  4. Although Outside, Closer dwells in cheerless minimalism it is a joy to listen to.
  5. What's remarkable is that instead of sounding autumnal and frigid, the bulk of this album has a warmth, an emotional weight, and a sense of underlying motion that competes damn well against the occasional fireworks. Some of these pleasures may be subtle or take time to grasp, but the sinking-in is gorgeous and worth the wait.
  6. They've created a world of tender reflection encompassing engaging melodic cycles, pastoral textures, glitchy interjections, acoustic decoration, melancholic strings, loose, jazz tinged drums, lonely horns, yearning guitar laments and delicate vocals: All melded into ebbs and flows that form a coherent universe through songs which all have their own defining characteristics.
  7. Q Magazine
    A modish conflation of acoustic guitars, violins, subtle electronics and artfully detached vocals, located somewhere near Amnesiac-era Radiohead. [Feb 2005, p.104]
  8. At first, The Negatives and Any Hopeful Thoughts Arrive feel like frustrating attempts at complicated chill-out, but as the songs continue to float fitfully by, listening to Hood artfully juggle paranoia and optimism becomes captivating.
  9. Beautifully crafted, complex music which intrigues and begs for another listen.
  10. Under The Radar
    A beautiful album of white noise married with catchy shoegaze harmonies. It's like Four Tet mixed with Radiohead. [#8, p.106]
  11. Outside Closer will have quite a significant impact on 2005, but it's a rather wintry and solemn way to begin the new year.
  12. It's a beautiful restatement of the group's strengths--and a consolidation of the gains made on Cold House.
  13. If their last album seemed like a drastic change to their longtime fans, then Outside Closer will seem like more of a logical succession of sound.
  14. It demands the right frame of mind, temperament and that ideal rainy-day traveling environment, in which nothing works out. When you're in the middle of such a moment, Hood's there to provide the soundtrack for your emotional nosedive.
  15. Outside Closer is maddeningly indirect, and the diminishing returns of its final minutes might make you wonder why you invested the time in the first place. But honestly, how many albums can claim to have so palpable an effect?
  16. Don’t be put off by the glossy patina; there’s a lot to hear on this record, as repeated listening makes plain.
  17. Uncut
    Surging volume is still far outweighed by wispy melancholy, but the contrast is rewarding. [Mar 2005, p.104]
  18. Urb
    The distorted pop ambience of Outside Closer could very well make these Brits the Notwist of 2005. [Mar 2005, p.118]
  19. Mojo
    There's a slow-burning moodiness... together with a new directness. [Mar 2005, p.101]
  20. The warm strumming and sparse beats make for an aching melancholy that stirs memories of Radiohead.
  21. Outside Closer weaves an oddly distinctive set of roundelays between the Air-like poppiness and cheery melancholia of the negatives and the Massive Attack jams with The Clash in Reykjavik melancholia of winter 72, concluding with two of the most depressing songs I’ve ever heard.
  22. Hood’s particular brand of indie rock is easily recognizable and refreshingly unique, and despite a few faults along the way, Outside Closer is an excellent album, if not totally fulfilling of its promise.
  23. Filter
    Their most realized album yet. [#15, p.101]
  24. It's a sound that doesn't loudly proclaim itself, but nevertheless insinuates its way in, until it feels quietly indispensable.

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 12 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Anandgyan
    Mar 18, 2005
    Recognizable from a snippet; yes they do have their sound and it's so nice. I cal it elegiac electronica with sprinkles of prog rock ... Recognizable from a snippet; yes they do have their sound and it's so nice. I cal it elegiac electronica with sprinkles of prog rock ... well they do have drums and guitars but I'll be daydreaming before dancing. Full Review »
  2. ChristianB
    Mar 14, 2005
    I like Hood. The new album seems to have too much texture and doesn't feel as organic as Cold House. I have listened to it numerous I like Hood. The new album seems to have too much texture and doesn't feel as organic as Cold House. I have listened to it numerous times and it seems to wear on my nerves. I do not know why I feel this way because I want to like it so much. I do feel that it is getting way to many high marks and reviews. This album just might be the ultimate grower. I do think that Hood are very talented and have alot of great ideas, maybe too many. Full Review »
  3. Linda
    Mar 5, 2005
    Actually I'd never heard of Hood before Outside Closer was album of the week on a local Sydney Aust. community station. I'd hear Actually I'd never heard of Hood before Outside Closer was album of the week on a local Sydney Aust. community station. I'd hear tracks in the on my way to work and they would stick in my mind all day. On the way home I'd hear them again and they would stick in my head while trying to get to sleep. Not sure why I like it so much, but I do. And is that all that counts in the end? Full Review »