
Mixed or average reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 8
  2. Negative: 1 out of 8
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  1. Nov 8, 2017
    Levine’s voice murmurs and glints in the corners of the arrangement, and the total effect is exactly as pleasingly immaculate and numbing as all soft rock should be.
  2. Nov 6, 2017
    Whether skating over house beats on "Plastic Rose" or cruising through a ballad like "Denim Jacket," Levine proves himself a pliant star of Jacksonian ease and Stingly self-assurance.
  3. Nov 6, 2017
    With Red Pill Blues Levine and co have managed to produce an album that is uninteresting and unexciting; at best this is background music, to be listened to on very, very low volume, or even better, not at all.
  4. 75
    The R&B- and funk-laden Blues, their best and most cohesive set of the decade, is actually worth some appointment listening.
  5. Nov 3, 2017
    Listening to Red Pill Blues makes one yearn for an era when there at least seemed to be more room for genuinely ambitious, artful Top 40 pop. In other words, I'll take the blue pill.
  6. Nov 2, 2017
    Everything comes to a head on "Closure," an extended 11-minute smooth-funk jam that throws all the album's strict structure out the window. Its presence not only draws attention to how Maroon 5 can vamp, it also highlights the discipline behind the rest of Red Pill Blues.
  7. Nov 2, 2017
    Singer Adam Levine has said this is the group’s R&B album, and so it is, though not in any remotely experimental way: superstar rap guest spots can’t disrupt the torpor that too often becomes a default setting.
  8. 40
    Moments after hearing “Best 4 You”, with its slimline groove and sleek falsetto chorus, I can’t remember a trace of its melody or theme: it was just there, and then not there. It’s an experience repeated throughout Red Pill Blues.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 159 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 57 out of 159
  2. Negative: 67 out of 159
  1. Nov 3, 2017
    Maroon 5 has now to succumbed to generic mainstream trash. Anyone who is expecting for the old sound will be deeply upset by the directionMaroon 5 has now to succumbed to generic mainstream trash. Anyone who is expecting for the old sound will be deeply upset by the direction they have taken. Full Review »
  2. Nov 4, 2017
    Such experience in the industry - you may think they should know what's original and what is mainstream. Hiring stars such as Kendrick LamarSuch experience in the industry - you may think they should know what's original and what is mainstream. Hiring stars such as Kendrick Lamar and Future may be because they're productive, but it is quite clear Maroon 5 are on the dying end of the industry now.

    Favourites: I... umm...

    Eh: Well...

    My head hurts now: Don't Wanna Know, Cold, Best 4 U, What Lovers Do, Wait, Lips on You, Bet My Heart, Closure, Plastic Rose, Visions.

    My opinion... alright...
    Full Review »
  3. Nov 4, 2017
    Incredibly bland and forgettable pop from Maroon 5. I can't remember a single song from the album. It's just there. There was nothing goodIncredibly bland and forgettable pop from Maroon 5. I can't remember a single song from the album. It's just there. There was nothing good here. Not that I expected something good.

    I can't write a review for something that did nothing but give me a **** headache. I can't believe how far this band has come from Songs About Jane. That was actually a semi-enjoyable album. Harder To Breathe is still my jam. All the slight hyperbole and angry rambling aside, here's some kind of a review.

    On the album Maroon 5 descends futher into the chasms of soulless pop and R&B music. The album flows with the lowest amount of steam like a river about to go dry. Adam Levine sings in his usual high-pitched voice, though I guess this time it's not too bad. Actually thinking about it now the fact that his voice is a little subdued kind of makes the album worse. At least usually there's something about Levine's voice that gives Maroon 5 the slightest bite. The best parts on the album come from the various featured artists. No clue how they got Kendrick and SZA on this.

    Really could be the worst album I've heard this year.

    Good songs: I guess Best 4 U and Lips On You were less horrendous than most of the other tracks

    Bad songs: What Lovers Do, Wait, Bet My Heart, Help Me Out, Girls Like You, Closure, most of the bonus tracks
    Full Review »