
Universal acclaim - based on 16 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 16
  2. Negative: 0 out of 16
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  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    Jun 17, 2020
    Whether he's musing insightfully over alcoholism or parenthood, his band are blazing and Isbell takes a tired format and charges it up with passion and perceptiveness. [Jul 2020, p.88]
  2. Jun 3, 2020
    The 10-track record, which is slickly produced and pleasant on the ears. ... His latest batch of terrific songs
  3. May 20, 2020
    At 41 minutes, this album covers every type of song Isbell does best; from tight rockers to disappointed country tunes, Reunions hits the spot.
  4. May 18, 2020
    From exquisitely tender, elegaic ballad Only Children (“‘Heaven’s wasted on the dead’ is what your mama said / When the hearse was idling in the parking lot”) to self-questioning anthem What I’ve Done To Help, Isbell and his band are firing on all cylinders. Honestly, if you like this kind of thing, the guitar sounds and solos on burning rocker Overseas are worth the price of entry alone.
  5. May 15, 2020
    Much of Reunions mirrors a troubled present, but "Letting You Go" finds room for hope and humanity, and it reinforces the themes of what may be Jason Isbell's strongest solo effort to date.
  6. May 14, 2020
    His candor can sometimes obscure this essential fact, but his forthrightness underscores the emotional clarity of Reunions.
  7. May 13, 2020
    With Reunions, Isbell unites the disparate aspects of his craft — soothing acoustic and fiercely electric; Hemingway's word economy dashed with Oscar Wilde-worthy asides, relatable details and otherworldly allusions. ... For listeners immersed in similar bittersweet nuances on a daily basis, there's no better musical accompaniment than Isbell's latest.
  8. May 13, 2020
    Overall, Reunions doesn't quite achieve the heights of Southeastern or The Nashville Sound, but that's only because Isbell has set the bar so damn high for himself. This is an excellent album in its own right.
  9. 80
    With a blend of fact and fiction, Isbell has created his own Nebraska and secured his place among the greats of country-rock.
  10. May 12, 2020
    His songs remain deeply personal, revisiting his drinking days and happy to be done with them in “It Gets Easier” and paying tribute to his wife, Amanda’s natural mothering instincts in “Letting You Go” yet there is not a song as impactful as “Cover Me Up” or “Elephant.” Nonetheless, his material is consistently strong enough to merit the four-bagger. Yes, four in a row equals a grand slam.
  11. Mojo
    May 12, 2020
    With its acute portraits of a troubled and tangled life, Reunions is ultimately a story of redemption through fatherhood and self knowledge, epic country-soul opener What've I Done To Help setting the mood perfectly. [Jun 2020, p.95]
  12. Uncut
    May 12, 2020
    A typically assured piece of work. [Jun 2020, p.30]
  13. May 12, 2020
    His best impulses he keeps channeling into his music, on seven albums and counting, and the result is a body of work that often feels indispensable. Isbell is a songwriter’s songwriter, but the songs that result are for all of us.
  14. May 12, 2020
    Isbell kicks up dust by looking backwards, and Reunions is at its best when he’s doing just that.
  15. 80
    Seven albums on, Isbell’s achieved a rarified status, one that indulges a need for creativity as well as contemplation. Reunions reminds us that it’s the rare artist that succeeds at both.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 18 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. May 19, 2020
    This is the most complete, thematically consistent, well-organized, and honest album Jason Isbell has ever made. A masterwork.
  2. May 15, 2020
    This is a very well written collection of songs. The highlights for me are Overseas(that riff), Letting You Go and Only Children. Like anyThis is a very well written collection of songs. The highlights for me are Overseas(that riff), Letting You Go and Only Children. Like any Isbell album the songs didn't grab me on the first listen. I don't really want any albums to do that because usually that means you're sick of them very quickly. Jason Isbell is a grower. His songs inhabit your brain and take their time to simmer a while before they're ready. I'd put this album right there next to Southeastern and SMTF as some of his best albums. Full Review »
  3. Jul 3, 2020
    ( 80/100 )

    Hay suficiente energía en "Reunions" para rockear a un corazón melancolico, nublado y solitorio. Jason Isbell dejó en el 2007 a
    ( 80/100 )

    Hay suficiente energía en "Reunions" para rockear a un corazón melancolico, nublado y solitorio. Jason Isbell dejó en el 2007 a Drive-By Truckers para perseguir una carrera como solista, y en el 2009 se fucionó con The 400 Unit para lograr expresar el poder de su propia voz. "Reunions" es el segundo álbum despues de "Here We Rest" (2011), el exito del año y la banda se demuestra con ganas de continuar tocando. "Reunions" tiene una extención musical que se aprecia mucho, hay una buena porción de sensibilidad romantica y emocional a la que se le añaden importantes toques de intencidad. Y aunque la creatividad sea escasa, es la misma extención y energía en la música lo que empatiza y sostiene al público. Con letras sobre la lejanía, la memoria y el romance, Isbell canta con encanto y toca con el amor y anhelo de un vaquero complicado y liberado. Producido por Dave Cobb, Jason Isbell And The 400 Unit presentan "Reunions".
    There's enough energy in "Reunions" to rock a melancholic, cloudy and lonely heart. Jason Isbell left Drive-By Truckers in 2007 to pursue a solo career, and in 2009 he merged with The 400 Unit to achieve expressing the power of his voice. "Reunions" is the second album after the year's success "Here We Rest" of 2011, and the band shows will to keep playing. "Reunions" has a musical extension that can be well appreciated, there's a good portion of romantic and emotional sensibility with and an important touch of intensity added. And even if the creativity is few, is the same extension and energy in the music which empathizes and holds the attention of the public. With lyrics of remoteness, memory, and romance, Isbell sings with allure and plays his guitar with the love and desire of a complicated and freed cowboy. Produced by Dave Cobb, Jason Isbell And The 400 Unit presents "Reunions".
    Full Review »