
Generally favorable reviews - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. While undoubtedly charming in it’s naivety, it also feels slight and transitional, filled with a sense of thin momentary distraction.
  2. Think of Sensuous as like walking round a modern art museum: sometimes difficult to fathom, always a perverse thrill.
  3. Ultimately, Cornelius has shown that he stands alone when it comes to future pop, and the results are an exceptional pleasure to hear.
  4. Filter
    A headphone masterpiece. [#25, p.94]
  5. Sensuous showcases a more playful Cornelius than we’ve seen before.
  6. It's often as befuddling as it is brilliant.
  7. It’s not quite the departure that Point was from Fantasma, but it feels like a natural next step.
  8. You really won't find a more interesting, intelligent or wonderful dream of an album as 'Sensuous' all year.
  9. Q Magazine
    Too often proceedings feel half-baked. [May 2007, p.123]
  10. As gleefully weird as anything he's done.
  11. Spin
    Oyamada fuses a bristling spectrum of textures and rhythms. [May 2007, p.84]
  12. It’s a little disjointed, more enigmatic, and more confounding than its predecessors: a gentle, mysterious giant of an album that could only have been created by a father.
  13. Cornelius has too many ideas, not just for an album but often for one song.
  14. Uncut
    No doubt Oyamada has a fine ear for sound design, but he handles his tunes with antiseptic gloves. [May 2007, p.88]
  15. Under The Radar
    It's no Point, and you might not want to make it your booty music, but Sensuous is a glittering gem with only a few imperfections. [#17, p.83]
  16. Urb
    Sensuous goes so far beyond the borders of radio-friendly melody that it's hard to recognize the Cornelius of bygone days. [May 2007, p.93]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 8 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. mikes.
    May 13, 2007
    Solid release, but the album is a complete mess, Cornelius was at his best when he's more focused on pop beach boy tunes as he was on Solid release, but the album is a complete mess, Cornelius was at his best when he's more focused on pop beach boy tunes as he was on fantasma. Lack of structure and discipline with this release. Full Review »
  2. Nick
    May 9, 2007
    I thought Point was really great, and while this didn't quite capture the heights of that album, it's still as unique an album as I thought Point was really great, and while this didn't quite capture the heights of that album, it's still as unique an album as you can find these days. I saw him live playing most of the songs off of this album and now I have a real appriciation for it. Full Review »
  3. AndyR
    May 2, 2007