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Some Sweet Relief Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews What's this?

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  • Summary: The second album for the rock band headed by Marie-Claire Balabanian and Karl Briedrick.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. There is something else weaving through all of this, that other mysterious thing that some great records have, that keeps you going back even while you know that whatever vocabulary you come up with, whatever modifier you hang on the album, will be inadequate.
  2. While Briedrick produces artful, not too noisy drones through vintage analog gear, Balabanian’s vocals have a distinctly soulful quality.
  3. For those raised on dream pop bands and space rock songs, Some Sweet Relief sounds somewhat timeless, a 40-minute offering of neo-psych gospel that's more polished, more promising, and altogether stronger than most of the band's contemporaries.
  4. Speck Mountain still have some distance to travel before they fill an album with such moments, so that whenever you hear their music, you think of them first rather than their influences. But this is only their second full-length, and it's a solid step in that direction.
  5. Speck Mountain might have a great album in them; this one isn’t bad. But I hope that some day they get over themselves and really get down.
  6. Mojo
    Develop the creepy incantations into songs and they might really grab some shirtfronts. [Jul 2009, p.107]
  7. Some Sweet Relief is adrift in a sea of despondency, Balabanian's drawling vocals listless with discontent, the repetitive guitar lines striving for a Spiritualized-style hypnotism, but languishing instead in monotony.

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