
Generally favorable reviews - based on 15 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
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  1. Jun 9, 2015
    A satisfying land where they receive all the drive, the snarl, and tribal drums they require, while late album highlights "Quit iPhone" and "Fibre Book Troll" (which is really "Facebook Troll") are screaming examples of the band's rockabilly-punk in overdrive.
  2. 60
    Another adequate but inessential album.
  3. May 19, 2015
    Thankfully there’s enough genuinely high quality Fall material here to ensure that any newcomers to the band are fairly sure to move directly from ‘Quit iPhone’ to ‘Frightened’, ‘The Classical’, ‘New Big Prinz’ or another classic Fall album opener.
  4. Jul 14, 2015
    If you listen to this album a lot, you may spend the first two or three times through snorting at odd phrases, recoiling from the venom and viscosity in Smith’s vocal delivery, but as you go, you begin to pick up the ferocity of the grooves underneath. No one else balances articulate, convincing hallucination with freight train propulsion like the Fall does, and this album, they take it further towards the edge than before.
  5. Mojo
    May 20, 2015
    It's mighty good. [Jun 2015, p.93]
  6. May 28, 2015
    Pledge is also somewhat uninspired, as MES sets his sights on crowdsourcing and the band scampers around aimlessly. These moments aside, Sub-Lingual Tablet is this incarnation of The Fall’s most impressive addition to the band’s canon.
  7. Jun 8, 2015
    In spite of their surprising stability, this iteration of the Fall is strangely lacking in audible camaraderie, and on Sub-Lingual Tablet, the distance between frontman and backing band feels more pronounced than ever.
  8. Jun 22, 2015
    There’s nothing wrong with anything on Tablet, simply that Smith has been doing the same thing for so long that one starts to wonder what he might be able to do if he set his sights a little higher.
  9. Q Magazine
    May 19, 2015
    Sub-Lingual Tablet is occasionally lumpen, frequently marred by Smith's recently adopted growl yet powered by enough energy and spark to burn through any reservations. [Jun 2015, p.105]
  10. May 26, 2015
    Smith’s voice admittedly sounds ravaged on the cranky Quit iPhone and the otherwise boisterous Stout Man, but at least he’s fully engaged throughout.
  11. May 19, 2015
    What seems to be album No 31 certainly has its share of Fall-by-numbers, in which the bass grinds on, keyboards trace spindly patterns, and Smith grumbles in one of his incomprehensible and terrifying voices--Pledge and Black Door certainly fit that description. But there are surprises, too.
  12. 80
    In terms of coherence, it’s quite possibly their best LP since Imperial Wax Solvent.
  13. May 26, 2015
    In many ways Sub-Lingual Tablet is, like any Fall album will be, a stranger and superior record than most released in any given year. But by The Fall's own standards, this time that's just not good enough.
  14. The Wire
    Jun 5, 2015
    The atmosphere is underwrought, miserable, monochrome. [Jun 2015, p.46]
  15. Uncut
    May 28, 2015
    The definitive post-millennium Fall album remains 2008's Imperial Wax Solvent, but this is a credibly bitter pill to swallow. [Jul 2015, p.75]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 13 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 13
  2. Negative: 1 out of 13
  1. Jun 19, 2015
    This is so far the best album of the year - in a year of safe and predictable releases. It is truley amazing that The Faĺl can keep puttingThis is so far the best album of the year - in a year of safe and predictable releases. It is truley amazing that The Faĺl can keep putting out recordings of such high standards. Full Review »
  2. Jun 17, 2015
    Really addictive and essential when you need an album to come back to when you start to suspect the rest of the world has gone pop. AfterReally addictive and essential when you need an album to come back to when you start to suspect the rest of the world has gone pop. After untold decades they never will if they haven't by now. I don't know if this album is really better than the many dozens before it but it's definitely fresher and more compelling than I remember most of them being. Ten thousand fall fans can't be wrong! Definitely the place to start if you're not already one of us. Full Review »