
Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
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  1. Oct 12, 2017
    Not quite a milestone then, but a release that’s set to be remembered for a very long time to come.
  2. The Wire
    Oct 11, 2017
    Wolves In The Throne Room return at full throttle. [Oct 2017, p.64]
  3. 90
    By its end, Thrice Woven not only serves as one of this year’s most promising metal releases, but it also stands as something purely monolithic and even transcendental--a collection of songs, showcasing a band’s evolution that leaves you in full levitation, locked in paralysis, and at a moment’s notice, you dissipate completely wondering how you made it home.
  4. Sep 27, 2017
    While the rest of the album doesn’t quite live up to the expectation set by its opening salvo, the longest journeys start with a single step. And as the first step in the next chapter of Wolves In The Throne Room’s story, Thrice Woven moves decidedly in the right direction.
  5. Sep 26, 2017
    Thrice Woven is WITTR deboned. As welcome as it is that they’ve dropped Celestite’s pseudo-kosmische schtick, they’ve come back with a facsimile of what once was.
  6. Sep 25, 2017
    I can easily see it lacking the longevity of their other albums, but for now it’s damn good to see the Weavers doing what they do best...screaming about natural nonsense and making some excellent black metal.
  7. Sep 21, 2017
    The second half of the album lacks the spirit of its first two transcendent tracks. ... But, for those first 19 glorious minutes, Thrice Woven skirts the eye of the storm, flitting between untrammelled power and celestial beauty with a finesse that few can match.
  8. Sep 21, 2017
    Thrice Woven marks the welcome return of the power and dark majesty of one America's most original metal bands.
  9. Sep 20, 2017
    Where once we witnessed the group tilling the fields, Thrice Woven presents the bounty on a shining plate. WITTR still provide a plentiful feast, but the sense of having earned Mother Nature's gifts is diminished.
  10. Sep 19, 2017
    Not since acclaimed debut Diadem Of 12 Stars has Wolves In The Throne Room rocked this hard and steady; in its sustained racket, it approximates one of the band’s live shows, which tend to be all blistering blitzkrieg all the time, drone passages withheld.
  11. Mojo
    Sep 19, 2017
    Thrice Woven stirs in Norse and Gaelic legend into a bewitching barrage of arboreal-metal fury and black-winged flight, somewhere between early Darkthrone and Godspeed You! Black Emperor. [Oct 2017, p.93]
  12. Sep 19, 2017
    In the same way, Wolves in the Throne Room has produced a record that might not break much new ground but is well composed and powerful, and it can act as the origin point for the band’s next fascinating chapter.
  13. Sep 19, 2017
    Thankfully for them, Thrice Woven returns the band to their original glory. This is, simply put, a beautifully composed black metal record that stands up with all the greats.
  14. Uncut
    Sep 19, 2017
    Their sixth album intersperses passages of barbed attack with atmosphere and nuance. [Oct 2017, p.40]

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