
Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
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  1. Jul 29, 2013
    Waiting for Something To Happen is an excellent record.
  2. Mar 18, 2013
    In songs about getting swept up by infatuation the music sounds like a suddenly shared, irresistible impulse.
  3. Feb 28, 2013
    Both [Frankie Rose and the Outs’ 2010 self-titled] and this one are short, sweet, and undeniably charming rock records that hold up on repeat listens more than you might expect.
  4. Feb 14, 2013
    Along the way the band delivers a succession of sparkling melodies in wistful yet grounded indie-pop songs that are satisfying enough for you not to want to change stations along the route.
  5. Feb 12, 2013
    No one’s going to herald Waiting For Something To Happen as a great leap forward, but there’s a subtle refinement in approach happening for the attentive of ear.
  6. Feb 12, 2013
    It’s when Veronica Falls stick to their comfort zone that the most memorable results arrive.
  7. Feb 12, 2013
    Taken apart from the high expectations set by their debut, Waiting is another strong collection of guitar pop gems from a band quickly proving itself to be a better, more elusive quantity than any easy genre tag might suggest.
  8. Magnet
    Feb 11, 2013
    Hearing these songs all in a row, most sharing the same basic beat and harmonic structure, can make the title feel uncomfortably prophetic. [No. 95, p.60]
  9. 70
    There’s still plenty to bewitch the listener, particularly if your shelves are stacked with the likes of, say, The Darling Buds, Kirsty MacColl or Allo Darlin’, but it’s a more refined approach, shall we say.
  10. Uncut
    Feb 4, 2013
    It's a record packed with earworms and a deliciously deadpan charm. [Mar 2013, p.79]
  11. 80
    This UK quartet conjure a beguiling air of eternal youth in all its charming contradictions, a sunburst of yearning, tedium and expectation.
  12. Feb 1, 2013
    Assured, confident, and infectious, Wait For Something To Happen sees a band developing both as musicians and songwriters while still retaining what made them great in the first place.
  13. Jan 31, 2013
    What an unexpected and wonderful treat this album is.
  14. Jan 29, 2013
    Although not quite possessing the gobsmacking "WOW!" factor of Veronica Falls' debut, Waiting For Something To Happen is an often revealing and utterly compelling follow-up that is sure to feature in many an end-of-year best of list come December.
  15. Q Magazine
    Jan 28, 2013
    Alienation, restlessness and lovelorn angst abound here, and Veronica Falls have lost none of their knack for blithely morbid romance. [Feb 2013, p.113]
  16. Jan 28, 2013
    Veronica Falls have their finger on the pulse of these vicissitudes, and they explore them with wide-eyed clarity. [Jan-Feb 2013, p.90]
  17. Aside from the overall atmosphere of the album, most of the time, Veronica Falls are spot on with their songwriting.
  18. Jan 28, 2013
    [A] likeable, if light, follow-up.

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