
Generally favorable reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 6
  2. Negative: 1 out of 6
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  1. Jun 10, 2020
    While WUNNA deserves points for its cohesiveness and impressive highs, its padding proves its downfall: the album's closing run means it remains a pick-and-mix affair, rather than a definitive statement.
  2. May 28, 2020
    Should you desire to be kind, you can call the album mood music. In theory, it’s an astrology themed LP, with ‘Wunna’ representing an alter-ego, but none of that comes across. ... Even his voice lacks any distinction, a hushed, fatigued monotone that could belong to anyone, with so little presence that it hardly registers over the beats.
  3. May 28, 2020
    At 18 songs, Wunna’s tracklist is dense but not padded.
  4. May 28, 2020
    WUNNA is more than an endless barrage of boasts about his designer clothes and foreign whips; the flows are crisper, his puns are more colorful, and the beats are pristine.
  5. May 28, 2020
    While some of his writing is of the Fisher-Price variety—one verse in “Met Gala” employs a AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA rhyme scheme—and his lyrics aren’t always well thought out (“Say the wrong word, and I’mma shoot him in his shit”), Wunna remains a transportive listening experience, due in large part to its production, which exists in almost perfect harmony with Gunna’s soothing vocals.
  6. Jun 8, 2020
    At 50 minutes, the album’s length isn’t an issue, but one wishes that Gunna had selected a fraction of these 18 tracks and expanded them past the two-minute mark and cut filler like “Blindfold,” “Met Gala,” and “I’m on Some.”
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 27 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 27
  2. Negative: 7 out of 27
  1. Jun 2, 2020
    Wunna is definitely a good record for those who want to enjoy some music without the urge of paying maximum attention to the lyrical contentWunna is definitely a good record for those who want to enjoy some music without the urge of paying maximum attention to the lyrical content of every single track. Honestly, I feel that Wunna is pretty good until its half, providing good songs like Argentina, MOTW, Dollaz on My Head, Rockstar Bikers & Chains and so on, then the listener may get bored or lose interest due to the lack of mood-shifting and tracks that really “wake you up”. Anyways, a listen should be given Full Review »
  2. Jun 26, 2020
    Wunna is a 10/10 the production is next level and gunna relaxing flow and voice give every song a diffrent but amazing atmosphere. WUUNA is aWunna is a 10/10 the production is next level and gunna relaxing flow and voice give every song a diffrent but amazing atmosphere. WUUNA is a must listen Full Review »
  3. Jun 2, 2020
    Excelente álbum. Cada canción tiene un toque especial el cual hace que quiera escucharla una y otra vez. Una obra de arte sin duda.