• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Sep 5, 2006

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. Whereas Beyoncé's debut was accomplished in its diversity, albeit a sure sign of a new solo artist trying to find her voice, B'Day sounds like the album "Crazy In Love" initially forecasted.
  2. Blender
    B'Day never cools down, and swaety up-tempo numbers prove the best platform for Beyonce's rapperly phrasing and pipe-flaunting fireballs. [Sep 2006, p.138]
  3. Apart from a few pop-R&B space-fillers, there's not much to dislike about B'Day.
  4. Indifferent production bogs down about half the songs, but the best tracks are so thrilling that they buoy you through the dullish patches.
  5. Throughout, she romps with creative abandon, thankfully unafraid of stretching the boundaries lyrically and musically.
  6. Some of the experiments don't click, but by reconfiguring and repurposing century-spanning components of black music, she's aligned herself more with Gnarls Barkley than Mary J. Blige, and if she's risking a drop-off in hits, she's gained an artistic high ground in return.
  7. B'Day sounds like an entire album of third and fourth singles, which is still better than an album of filler.
  8. [It] firmly places her at the cutting edge of modern pop.
  9. Vibe
    A generally exhilarating marriage of pop songcraft and state-of-the-art rhythms... But the compact and caffeinated B'Day also sounds calculated, as if it were A&R'd by a nervous number cruncher. [Oct 2006, p.137]
  10. Beyoncé has a presence, a character which is totally unique to her, and B’Day’s utterly imbued with it.
  11. B'Day is a joyous uptempo album full of vibrant vocals, fierce production, and boundless energy. The only complaint is that it's over too soon.
  12. While Beyoncé does sound like she's in a bit of a hurry throughout the album, and there are no songs with the smooth elegance of "Me, Myself and I" or "Be with You," it is lean in a beneficial way, propelled by just as many highlights as the overlong Dangerously in Love.
  13. MSN Consumer Guide (Robert Christgau)
    If opulence can signify liberation in this grotesquely materialistic time, as in hip-hop it can, then Beyoncé earns her props with a bunch of songs she says were inspired all in a rush by her "Dreamgirls" character. [Feb/Mar 2007]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 722 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. MichaelH
    Sep 2, 2006
    The most amazing album of 2006, she is the #1 R&B or Pop female out right now hands down.
  2. Aug 3, 2012
    "B'Day" is just a timeless classic album filled with some of Beyoncé's best uptempos (Déjà Vu, Upgrade U, Freakum Dress,"B'Day" is just a timeless classic album filled with some of Beyoncé's best uptempos (Déjà Vu, Upgrade U, Freakum Dress, Get Me Bodied) and her best midtempos and ballads (Irreplaceable, Resentment, Flaws and All). Full Review »
  3. LilyG
    Sep 13, 2006
    The album is fantastic, and one of the best albums of the year. The album on the surface may come across as just a fun dance album. But if The album is fantastic, and one of the best albums of the year. The album on the surface may come across as just a fun dance album. But if you really listen closely the album has some great lyrics and thought-provoking theme when it comes to relationships. Full Review »