
Universal acclaim - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
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  1. Oct 19, 2018
    Cherry's songs here are deeply meditative, often implying or directly expressing sorrow regarding planetary afflictions rooted in fear.
  2. Oct 17, 2018
    A slow burn of an album, Broken Politics artfully cuts through a turbulent, noisy world.
  3. Oct 24, 2018
    Despite the confrontational title, Broken Politics caresses like a lost Sade album. Cherry has done a most unexpected thing: soundtracked the Trump era in quiet storm soul.
  4. Oct 16, 2018
    Broken Politics is an expansive and heartfelt collection of songs--a communication from within one of the most singular artists working today, articulating the nuances of where politics start for many: in one's day-to-day existence.
  5. Mojo
    Oct 15, 2018
    The rage and weight of 2014's Blank Project has lifted but the explorations of life at every level--refugees in Calais; exhausted living under patriarchy; missing your parents--continue. [Nov 2018, p.89]
  6. Oct 22, 2018
    Anyone looking for party bangers may be disappointed (apart from Natural Skin Deep) but Broken Politics is the sound of an artist growing and maturing very nicely. These are intelligent, beautifully crafted songs to sink into and luxuriate, and tracks like Black Monday and Synchronised Devotion will live with you for months after first hearing them.
  7. Oct 24, 2018
    Many of these dozen imagistic self-avowals have a discouraging sameness. So fluent is their collaboration that their weaknesses become complementary. ... Yet when Broken Politics’ material matches the record’s title, it triggers a sense of unease, a tentative awareness of danger, like smelling something burning in the kitchen.
  8. Oct 25, 2018
    As a follow up to, what at the time, felt like a highly experimental, leftfield album for Cherry in Blank Project, Broken Politics is far less of a shock to the system. It is a more even-paced, leaner affair with Hebden showing his ability to create subtly shaded melodic gems that allow Cherry's voice and lyrics to shine.
  9. Q Magazine
    Oct 15, 2018
    The music is stripped-back but always eclectic. [Nov 2018, p.104]
  10. Nov 7, 2018
    Cherry's latest references the refugee crisis, gun violence, fascism, racism and a collective sense of despair. But Cherry knows how to wrap these subjects in something sweeter. The scope of Broken Politics takes in both our outward political moment as well as its effects on our interior life. The music that accompanies her has an equally wide scope.
  11. Oct 22, 2018
    [Broken Politics] folds a career’s worth of musical obsessions into a single set. She’s also speaking her mind, per usual, addressing our global shitshow not with histrionics, but with heartfelt, clear-eyed ruminations, sorrow, playfulness and resolve.
  12. Oct 25, 2018
    It doesn't offer any real answers or solutions, nor should it have to. Instead, it offers something more valuable than other albums exploring heavily topical subjects occasionally lack: empathy. Which is something we could all use in these fraught times.
  13. Oct 19, 2018
    The loose instrumentation lets Cherry lead the way: her lines often sound extemporised, shifting easily between wisdom and soulful desolation. The effect is intimate yet expansive.
  14. The Wire
    Oct 16, 2018
    The album deftly balances expansive environments with a singular vocal intimacy. [Nov 2018, p.51]
  15. Uncut
    Oct 15, 2018
    Broken Politics is a thoughtful, reflective record that twines the political and the person. [Nov 2018, p.26]
  16. Dec 7, 2018
    On her latest album, Broken Politics, time has not dulled any of her strengths--the mother-of-three still writes couplets that hook you instantly, and has lost none of that firebrand lyricism. Her art, ever poetic, is even more entrenched in the political than previously.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 11 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 1 out of 11
  1. Oct 20, 2018
    Definitely delighted with the perfection of this work. I just have to thank for this impeccable work.
  2. Feb 24, 2019
    Amazing album I’m very addicted to every single song and was seeing 3 times life such a great and Best album Neneh plus of course Man and thenAmazing album I’m very addicted to every single song and was seeing 3 times life such a great and Best album Neneh plus of course Man and then Blank project Full Review »
  3. Jan 30, 2019
    ( 73/100 )

    Nació en Sweden y a los 14 años abandonó la escuela para que en 1980 se mudara a London, donde cantaría en un grupo de Post Punk
    ( 73/100 )

    Nació en Sweden y a los 14 años abandonó la escuela para que en 1980 se mudara a London, donde cantaría en un grupo de Post Punk llamado the Cherries. Después de una larga carrera musical dentro y fuera de la banda se tomó un tiempo para proyectarse a sí misma, producir y aprender de las colaboraciones que hacía. Como solista estuvo ausente desde 1996 hasta los 2010's. Fue entonces que en el 2012 (16 años después) re-apareció con un álbum llamado "The Cherry Thing" y dos años después presentaría "Blanck Project", ambos con una recepción positiva por parte del público. En Octubre del 2018 presentó "Broken Politics", un álbum que habla de la relación entre la política y la personalidad. En su disco, que se siente fresco por el simple hecho de que no habla de problemas románticos, acompleja el concepto de la política al generar comparaciones entre su observación de la sociedad, su actuación en ella y, de cierta forma, la actitud socio-política que resulta. Para Neneh, la política se construye con el pensamiento crítico, los riesgos del amor y la vida, las libertades propias, los pecados y los anhelos que crean las filosofías personales y gobiernan el perfil de la comunidad. A pesar de que las letras son en parte interesantes y en parte complejas, la música, producida por Four Tet, es un Trip Hip Hop muy minimalista, enfocado en los detalles y vacío en melodía. El álbum parece una colección de canciones de cuna para la gente adulta. Lo digo en parte porque provoca sueño y en parte porque permite la serenidad en la gente que lo escuche. Entre ambos elementos uno se puede encontrar, o durmiéndose o distrayéndose mucho del producto y eso no es totalmente malo pues, el álbum simplemente prefiere ser ese baño que nos tomamos después de llegar casados del trabajo, busca arrullarnos hasta el punto de perder la noción del espacio y dormirnos. Sin embargo, si buscan actitud, energía o creatividad, no la encontraran aquí.
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