• Record Label: Anti
  • Release Date: Nov 23, 2009

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. If this is as close as you get to hearing Waits live, it’s an illuminating snapshot of an artist whose concerts are increasingly rare and compelling.
  2. Glitter and Doom Live is not simply a souvenir of a tour most fans didn't attend but a de facto greatest hits of Waits' fourth decade of music, during which his gnarly adventurousness didn't wane but only intensified.
  3. The usual thrill of a live album comes from slightly tweaked familiarity, but Waits treats his songs like old cars in need of new engines. It's a decision that's ultimately more rewarding, turning Glitter and Doom into an album that basically amounts to 80 minutes of new material.
  4. the Waits of Glitter and Doom Live values theatricality as much as storytelling. As on his previous live album, 1988’s "Big Time," Waits often borders on playfulness.
  5. Entertainment Weekly
    Waits tends to inspire love-it-or-hate-it reactions; those who don't dig him will probably be mystefied by the over-the-top cheers captured here. [27 Nov 2009, p.71]
  6. The 17 tracks emphasize the latter half of his career, but he’s toned down his more avant-garde tendencies somewhat and injected a bit of R&B swing and jazz vibes.
  7. For those who self-identify as Tom Waits Fans, Glitter and Doom Live succeeds on pretty much every level.
  8. Waits' second live retrospective plumbs his later LPs, especially 1992's Bone Machine and 2004's Real Gone; it misses classics like "Time" but shows off a deep oeuvre and a brassy, mischievous sextet.
  9. Glitter and Doom doesn’t include a pocket-sized Waits who sings and dances atop your candelabra with a pawn shop marimba, but it provides you with the tools to imagine such a sight.
  10. It would have been nice if Glitter and Doom included a few more buried treasures from Orphans, but ultimately that’s nitpicking, since what’s here does a more-than-ample job soaking up the raunchy, scrappy heart this album sets out to spotlight.
  11. Waits is still an impassioned and awe-inspiring performer; here we can still hear, as invigorated as he was before I was born--or so I can guess.
  12. 80
    Glitter And Doom Live is an admirable document of yet another stage in his continually engrossing career.
  13. There’s only one test a live album has to pass, and this one stands up to it: if you were there you’ll be prompted to bask in the memory, and if you weren’t you’ll be wishing like hell that you had been.
  14. As usual, it’s worth any amount of trouble to hear Waits live.
  15. A sophisticated gentleman does a poo.
  16. Under The Radar
    At times surreal, at times laugh-out loud funny, but always captivating, "Tom's Tales" alone are worth the price of the album. [Holiday 2009, p.79]
  17. 86
    The best live music doesn’t attempt to just mirror the recordings, but expands upon them, highlighting a performer’s chemistry with the band and audience. When Waits does that, the illusion works; when he doesn’t it’s like seeing the cards tucked up a magician’s sleeve.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 24 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 24
  2. Negative: 1 out of 24
  1. robertf
    Dec 4, 2009
    I just wanted to say the person doing the summary wrote "antidotes" by Tom Waits and it should be "anecdotes". I find it really funny when I I just wanted to say the person doing the summary wrote "antidotes" by Tom Waits and it should be "anecdotes". I find it really funny when I hear someway say that and it's even more embarrassing to see it printed. Tom Waits is amazing though., get Rain Dogs, if you've never heard of him. Full Review »
  2. MikeM
    Dec 2, 2009
    A decent performance that has a horrible audio quality. The poor recording quality makes the performance feel distant and lacking any A decent performance that has a horrible audio quality. The poor recording quality makes the performance feel distant and lacking any emotional punch. A masterpiece this is not! Full Review »
  3. JoshS.
    Nov 29, 2009
    The reworkings on this album show Waits isn't content resting on his laurels. One for the fans.