• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Mar 3, 2017

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
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  1. Mar 7, 2017
    It makes for a diverse album within the tight framework that Lytle operates in, and even if it could have been a solo album just as easily, it works as a Grandaddy album too. If not quite as compelling overall as their best work like Sophtware Slump, it's a worthy successor to the very good Just Like the Fambly Cat and a welcome return for the "band."
  2. Mar 15, 2017
    Self-aware and refined, fifth album Last Place--the first in 11 years--is astonishingly solid.
  3. Mar 2, 2017
    Last Place is an occasionally misty-eyed but very welcome return. A broken but pretty mess.
  4. Feb 27, 2017
    A welcome return that’s more solid than it should be, yet less varied than you might hope.
  5. Mar 3, 2017
    There’s a sense that nobody’s heart was quite in it which sometimes means proceedings drag on, refusing to invent, refusing to accept that Granddady can be a band who make it. It’s heart-breaking and at times powerfully so, but it also shuns the listener, forcing them to a place where Grandaddy risk drifting once more into obscurity.
  6. Mar 2, 2017
    It’s beautiful and utterly captivating in its own way and, after all the band and Lytle have been through, that’s triumphant enough.
  7. Apr 4, 2017
    With his piano, classical flourishes and superbly layered production a la E.L.O., it’s out of sync but, when it works, wonderfully so. Whether Lytle’s vocals work for you or not will probably be the main deciding factor as to whether the band itself works for you. Oftentimes he smooths out the edges, but his singing can come across as whiny.
  8. Mar 1, 2017
    On Last Place, the band returns to the same well again, and while there is enough here to sustain some nostalgia, that well seems drier than ever before.
  9. Mojo
    Feb 27, 2017
    Great to have back that little razor edge that Lytle loses when he steps away from his bandmates, but this might be the last time he gets away with it without a major rethink. [Apr 2017, p.96]
  10. Mar 13, 2017
    Last Place is anachronistically introverted, and its tech references don’t quite make sense in the context of 2017. If it’s understood as a more human album then it works, but it is held back a little by the vestiges of the earlier, broken down and burnt out, Grandaddy.
  11. Feb 27, 2017
    The band is categorically known for their disciplined uniformity, an approach that gives the band more room to inject more personality into their straightforward rhythm section; seeing as the indie rock landscape has also considerably changed, it’s actually a welcome throwback that’s aged well.
  12. Mar 3, 2017
    Lytle remains adept at worming his weary melodies into the hidden folds of broken hearts, and through a bit of grin-and-shrug relation, can take aim at the enigmatic roots of a dangerous generation with little more than three chords.
  13. Mar 8, 2017
    They sound exhausted, right where we left them.
  14. 83
    The songs rock and are well written and that’s enough.
  15. Q Magazine
    Mar 14, 2017
    Both in the lyrical themes and in its sound, we are floating in familiar space. [May 2017, p.104]
  16. Mar 2, 2017
    It may be over a decade since their last album, but when Last Place chugs into life with Why We Won’t, it feels as if Grandaddy haven’t aged a day.
  17. Mar 6, 2017
    Last Place is a fittingly contented throwback/possible farewell.
  18. Mar 3, 2017
    Last Place is the work of a reenergized band that’s clearly benefited from its extended downtime, even if its overarching mood hardly reflects it.
  19. Mar 2, 2017
    Last Place is more sophisticated and less self-consciously wacky than some of the Californians’ previous releases, and better for it.
  20. 80
    He wields with sumptuous beauty, from the Floyd-like swathes of mellotron and piano carrying “The Boat Is In The Barn” and the stately “Lost Machine”, to the implacable electropop fizz of “Evermore”.
  21. 75
    A collection that isn’t going to win over the world but might just help you make more sense out of it.
  22. 60
    Ultimately, though, for all its emotional tug, Last Place is solid rather than spectacular, with nothing quite matching the peaks of their first two albums.
  23. Feb 27, 2017
    It’s sentimental, it’s oddball and it’s beautiful. In other words, it’s Grandaddy at their finest.
  24. Uncut
    Feb 27, 2017
    It's a subtler and darker sibling to The Sophtware Slump or Just Like The Fambly Cat. [Apr 2017, p.30]
  25. Mar 3, 2017
    Grandaddy is no longer a detached soundtrack hovering over life, it's articulating within it, and we are getting it in a whole new way.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 33 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 33
  2. Negative: 2 out of 33
  1. Mar 3, 2017
    Grab your beer. Head out into the country. And watch the sun set as you listen to the return of the most underrated band in the history ofGrab your beer. Head out into the country. And watch the sun set as you listen to the return of the most underrated band in the history of indie rock. Other than the song order and song length (Check Injun could have easily been twice as long) there is not a single thing to disappoint die hard fans. Best album since Sophtware Slump and dare I say better than Sumday as there's no cheese. Lost Machine can compete with their best emotional punches and there's a bit of every shade of Grandaddy here on offer. Full Review »
  2. Mar 3, 2017
    it's the first time I hear of this band and their return is a great thing for the rock&roll landscape. What a great album. The production isit's the first time I hear of this band and their return is a great thing for the rock&roll landscape. What a great album. The production is great, the sound is great. Some songs have some Pink Floyd mood to them but with a 2017 twist. Definitely one of the best album I heard in 2017 to date. Full Review »
  3. May 16, 2017
    This dream/space rock work does as the genre name suggests and creates wonderfully unique pockets of room that float peacefully through yourThis dream/space rock work does as the genre name suggests and creates wonderfully unique pockets of room that float peacefully through your ears, even though rhythm and overall cohesion may falter a bit for the standard multi piece rock band. My Score: 129/180 (Good) = 7.2/10 Full Review »