
Generally favorable reviews - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 33
  2. Negative: 1 out of 33
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  1. Nov 21, 2013
    Eminem might not be making “shock rap with Doc” like he used to be, but The Marshall Mathers LP 2 takes turns as equally bold and unpredictable as anything in his discography.
  2. Nov 11, 2013
    It is a testament to Eminem’s enduring talent that the album never feels laboured or even slightly dated. Instead, it is a perfect reflection of the world of Marshall Mathers in 2013.
  3. 80
    His flow only truly ignites through anger and reproach, and there are moments when his verbal dexterity amazes.
  4. Nov 8, 2013
    Funny thing is, most of the best moments on MM LP2 are just as angry, and just as irresponsible, but like "Closet," this is the tortured soul and self-reliance ninja known as Eminem at his very best.
  5. Nov 8, 2013
    The jokes, in places offensive, are relentless and ribald. There is no apology, though, no concession; just a considered, virtuoso application of talent.
  6. Nov 7, 2013
    While the Marshall Mathers LP sputtered toward the end, the sequel gets better past the halfway mark.
  7. Nov 6, 2013
    He’s added a catchier more movie trailer-esque sound, what some call pop but I’ll just call Love the Way You Lie, but really, despite the upheavals in the world, despite his relapse and recovery from drug addiction, for better or worse Eminem at 41 is essentially the same artist as Eminem at 28-years-old.
  8. 70
    [A] relentless, demanding and often convincing seventh major-label album.
  9. Nov 5, 2013
    Em's new songs give a facelift to old themes — but thanks to his still-astounding wordplay and creative beat choices (Rick Rubin's work on "So Far..." and "Love Game" is a hoot), you can still get lost in the wrinkles.
  10. Nov 5, 2013
    It’s wicked and it’s intense and it’s inappropriate and it’s unique and it’s brilliant and it’s essential.
  11. Nov 5, 2013
    This feels fresh yet familiar; a throwback picture in a modern frame. ... The truest of Eminem fans out there ... will absolutely lap it up.
  12. Nov 5, 2013
    After years of stagnancy and tedious anger, he shows real growth on The Marshall Mathers LP 2.
  13. 65
    There are at least a half-dozen verses in this album alone that stand amongst his best ever. ... Problem is, saying a whole lotta nothing for 70-plus minutes doesn’t exactly make for a compelling rap record.
  14. Nov 4, 2013
    The emotion and power is not missing from MMLP2--but you’re getting one with more perspective, a version which has seen 13 more years and has a different outlook on some of the same topics that he first visited in 2000.
  15. Nov 4, 2013
    It is no mere rehash. If anything, the sequel is more intense than the original.
  16. Nov 4, 2013
    This one’s nostalgic in all the right ways, a worthy look back at the LP that made him the world’s most popular cult figure.
  17. Nov 4, 2013
    This is Eminem’s best record in a decade--and one of the most impressive, entertaining and addictive hip-hop albums of the year.
  18. Nov 4, 2013
    Although the production and detrimental hyper-lyricism place Eminem’s worst habits on display throughout the album, there is plenty of good here. Extremely compelling is the theme of Eminem’s growth.
  19. 75
    Even in his rare clunky moments, Eminem burns with purpose on MMLP2.
  20. Nov 1, 2013
    He's playing his best character: the demon spawn of Trailer Hell, America, hitting middle age with his middle finger up his nose while he cleans off the Kool-Aid his kids spilled on the couch.
  21. Nov 1, 2013
    This album will never top MM1 or even 1999's Slim Shady LP for the visceral thrill of watching a celebrity twist and distort his own identity like a comic strip transferred onto Silly Putty. But we get rhymes. So many rhymes. More rhymes than some rappers manage in a whole career.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 1386 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Nov 5, 2013
    Eminem is back! I was a massive fan of MMLP, SSLP and TES. I was disappointed with Encore, Relapse and Recovery but when this album came out,Eminem is back! I was a massive fan of MMLP, SSLP and TES. I was disappointed with Encore, Relapse and Recovery but when this album came out, I was so relieved! There was so much nostalgia listening to this album! I would have liked to hear production by Dr Dre but the album is still amazing tracks like "so far" and "bad guy" are my favourites. I would recommend the deluxe edition as the bonus tracks are amazing! Full Review »
  2. Nov 5, 2013
    This is great album and shows how Eminem has grown as person. He is not bashing his wife/mother doesn't mean it is not good hip-hop album.This is great album and shows how Eminem has grown as person. He is not bashing his wife/mother doesn't mean it is not good hip-hop album. Lyrically this is one of the finest album. He also understands and addresses hate towards him in the songs like He shows his rap skills in "Rap god".
    Best storytelling in "Bad guy". other songs are also very great. Overall this is great album
    Full Review »
  3. Nov 5, 2013
    Best album Eminem has done since TES. This album has it all, references to the first MMLP, serious songs, funny/sarcastic songs, moreBest album Eminem has done since TES. This album has it all, references to the first MMLP, serious songs, funny/sarcastic songs, more commercial and radio-friendly songs that the 5 deluxe edition songs MORE than make up for. 10/10 Full Review »