
Generally favorable reviews - based on 34 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 34
  2. Negative: 1 out of 34
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  1. This isn’t an album that’s going to light people up or satisfy those who are still suffering from The Smiths refusal to reunite. However, if you take The Messenger for what it most organically is, a British indie rock album, you won’t be disappointed.
  2. Feb 25, 2013
    One quick listen to The Messenger brings all his signatures rushing back--the intricate, intertwining arrangements, the insistent riffs finding a counterpoint in the elastic yet precise melodies, a romance with the past that doesn't negate the present.
  3. Alternative Press
    Feb 7, 2013
    The Messenger delivers. [Mar 2013, p.92]
  4. Nov 7, 2013
    The Messenger rediscovers what made the Smiths' albums great--an open-minded approach to tone and a feel that colors tunes for miles.
  5. Mar 5, 2013
    Marr has become a more assured singer, which is one of several ways this album improves on Boomslang.
  6. Feb 26, 2013
    The Messenger, his second solo album, is a bracing reminder of his talents as a sonic architect.
  7. Feb 21, 2013
    Marr’s vocals are indistinctive, although his song-writing abilities are clear. What does stand out is how fine a guitarist he has become.
  8. Feb 27, 2013
    It’s proof that Johnny Marr, nearly half a century old, can still unpack new skills and techniques from a hefty bag of guitar-drenched tricks.
  9. Entertainment Weekly
    Feb 27, 2013
    His generically Oasis-y singing won't blow anyone away, but Marr's still a master at getting jangly new-wave energy and moody atmosphere out of his instrument. [1 Mar 2013, p.66]
  10. Mar 21, 2013
    The Messenger does not disappoint; it brims with angular riffage, swings with sexy insouciance.
  11. Mojo
    Feb 7, 2013
    The Messenger duly wipes the slate clean and bursts with the same efflorescent skills that made Johnny Marr a guitar hero for the generation which had supposedly repudiated such a concept. [Mar 2013, p.90]
  12. 80
    The Messenger isn’t just a summary of everything worthwhile in contemporary rock music, it’s an insightful and informed dissection of life in 2013 and all the futile iOS updates, cyberstalking conglomerates and financial travesties that clog up the spaces between us. In a world claiming to connect us all, it argues, we’re getting more and more dislocated.
  13. Feb 27, 2013
    It has some great guitar—satisfying our expectations on that front--and doesn’t offend. It’s a great record to throw on when DJing your parents’ Welcome To Spring community mixer.
  14. Feb 20, 2013
    The Messenger won't be included in the body of work that made Marr great, but it's a solid approximation of his strengths.
  15. Feb 25, 2013
    The Messenger isn’t groundbreaking or iconic in itself, but it’s thoroughly enjoyable music from a groundbreaking and iconic artist.
  16. Feb 25, 2013
    While lukewarm as a whole, The Messenger doesn't suck nearly enough to bruise Marr's status as a guitar deity on wheels.
  17. Feb 21, 2013
    The Messenger falls some way short of greatness, but is full of enjoyably spiky tunes.
  18. Feb 26, 2013
    Not that The Messenger solely ransacks the past, though: conversely, it's the clunkier, more ham-fisted retro fodder that constitute the main misfires, especially lyrically.... But when he pushes things forward, everything begins to glitter.
  19. Uncut
    Feb 7, 2013
    The Messenger isn't an album that will blow any non-believer away. It is old fashioned, in many ways. [Mar 2013, p.65]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 19 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 19
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 19
  3. Negative: 1 out of 19
  1. Jan 31, 2014
    A lot of sniffy cynicism in the main musical press for this album and I'm mystified. This is a fine piece of work with riffs and hooks onlyA lot of sniffy cynicism in the main musical press for this album and I'm mystified. This is a fine piece of work with riffs and hooks only Johnny could lay down. Listen, Don Van Vliet in the power vocal department he ain't but neither was Jimi Hendrix or Bert Jansch. The guy's unique ability with the guitar overrides any lack of octaves in his voice. Anyway his voice is great on this record. Another critique from the press is the lyrics. Is this because they were hoping for some Morriseyesque whimsical poetry? Had this record been released by a trendy new outfit of 19 year olds the hacks would be raving with 5 stars. Full Review »
  2. Mar 21, 2016
    Johnny Marr continues to showcase his instrumental brilliance with The Messenger. It's true...the songs are lyrically uninspiring at times,Johnny Marr continues to showcase his instrumental brilliance with The Messenger. It's true...the songs are lyrically uninspiring at times, therefore missing an opportunity to connect with listeners. However, for a lover of high quality guitar work, that can be excused. Fantastic sound! And hey, his vocals aren't too bad either! Full Review »
  3. a69
    Apr 30, 2013
    Tip top spot of Indie Rock. Has shades of The Jam and New Order about it in places. Doesn't break much new ground, but I wouldn't expect a 50Tip top spot of Indie Rock. Has shades of The Jam and New Order about it in places. Doesn't break much new ground, but I wouldn't expect a 50 year old to do so. Does what you'd want t to do and delivers the goods. Full Review »