
Generally favorable reviews - based on 28 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 28
  2. Negative: 4 out of 28
  1. An album that's going to have the purists sighing with relief and have new converts checking out their back catalog for more.
  2. Alternative Press
    A career-arching centerpiece. [Nov 2004, p.154]
  3. With a desire to reach a wider audience, there always comes some compromise. Le Tigre's battle cry for revolution, girl-style, has now been sweetened for mass consumption. It shouldn't go down this easy.
  4. The band tries to stretch but trips over its own convictions.
  5. Blender
    They just sound cranky here, and their beats are mostly perfunctory. [Nov 2004, p.137]
  6. When Le Tigre ventures out on an extended wire in a familiar direction with tunes like "On the Verge," "Nanny Nanny Boo Boo," and "After Dark," the ensemble proves that this long-awaited follow-up to Feminist Sweepstakes was not in vain.
  7. Kathleen Hanna’s girlish yelp grates more than usual, practically bereft of charm, and her bandmates can barely write a functional song much less play one.
  8. Whether thrashing out punk anthems Bikini Kill or turning out dancefloor-ready disco pop as on ‘This Island’, Hanna has always had something to say, and never has her message sounded so clear.
  9. Entertainment Weekly
    The band is throwing a dance party--albeit DNC-promoting--led by cheerleader choruses and beats that snap, skip, and glisten like something out of a '79 discotheque. [22 Oct 2004, p.95]
  10. Those who can overlook this slightly dumbed-down approach will find This Island is not without its moments.
  11. Mojo
    Quality control slumps toward the end, but when they're good the're grrreat. [Nov 2004, p.110]
  12. New Musical Express (NME)
    A shiny slice of mirrorball punk rock. [9 Oct 2004, p.57]
  13. If This Island failed musically but still got Le Tigre's message out, it could be counted as a minor success. But at this critical juncture in their career, Le Tigre seem tame.
  14. We’re filled with consternation when we first give it a whirl.... Thankfully from [track 4] on in, it gets a damn sight better.
  15. Pure, unadulterated aural pleasure.
  16. Q Magazine
    This is the best yet from Kathleen Hanna's trio. [Nov 2004, p.130]
  17. If Clear Channel didn't have the airwaves on lockdown, This Island would turn the thirteen-year-old girls of this nation into singing, stomping, rioting mobs demanding r-e-s-p-e-c-t.
  18. Spin
    The bleaty rhythms and abrasive guitars start to pile up willy-nilly, and some of the more techno sections sound like kids going bazonkers in a toy store. [Oct 2004, p.109]
  19. A mostly "hit" but occasionally "miss" effort that showcases both the band's maturation and its residual shortcomings.
  20. Theirs is an unwelcome indie lyricism that lives in a vacuum, devoid of guttural expression and left to vacant, bumper-worthy slogans.
  21. The band remains committed to making its political pill go down as easy as possible.
  22. Money cannot change vocalist Kathleen Hanna's tendency to sound snotty rather than angry, which frequently leaves you feeling like you're being harangued by Buffy the Vampire Slayer's right-on classmate.
  23. The Wire
    Le Tigre make a convincing case for synthpop as an instrument of liberation theology. [#248, p.58]
  24. Mediocre... I'm just so used to this indie dance sound that Le Tigre just sounds boring in the context of Fall 2004.
  25. Uncut
    Too much here is self-congratulatory sloganeering. [Nov 2004, p.110]
  26. Under The Radar
    Avril Lavigne telling girls to abstain from sex is more punk than anything on this record. [#8, p.110]
  27. Urb
    Just rock out to some really good music. [Jan/Feb 2005, p.96]
  28. Even more staunchly pop than their previous records.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 15 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 15
  2. Negative: 0 out of 15
  1. Sep 16, 2022
    Not my favorite album by them, but you do have to agree that some songs are amazing.
  2. Ross
    Jul 23, 2005
    There is no group as impassioned, wild savvy, politically hip and sexy as this trio. LONG LIVE LE TIGRE!!!
  3. [Anonymous]
    Apr 10, 2005
    Aside from the fact that Le Tigre signed with an awful major label, I feel let down. It felt as if they were definitely "playing it safe", Aside from the fact that Le Tigre signed with an awful major label, I feel let down. It felt as if they were definitely "playing it safe", both in terms of experimenting with sounds as well as the statements that they were trying to make. They are capable of doing much better than this. Full Review »