
Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
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  1. Dec 2, 2016
    It's funny and soulful, and will help keep the blues at bay.
  2. Dec 2, 2016
    Expanding the boundaries of hip-hop and soul, it’s outstanding stuff which should further enhance the careers and reputations of both.
  3. Uncut
    Nov 22, 2016
    [A] sonically rich, mostly great album. [Jan 2017, p.28]
  4. The Wire
    Nov 8, 2016
    Swagger can be infectious and the album works as a playful, blissed out hymn to the dancefloor. [Nov 2016, p.55]
  5. 80
    Yes Lawd! maneuvers through its 18 tracks with a gleeful sense of abandon. Like the work of the late producer J Dilla, Knxwledge’s rhythms take a few measures to lock into place, but when they do, weird patterns emerge.
  6. Nov 1, 2016
    Yes Lawd! is a feel-good album that isn't afraid to take a step back and reflect. NxWorries brilliantly capture the sense of being carried by the whirlwind of success--disorientated and bewildered but enjoying the ride regardless.
  7. Oct 27, 2016
    Together, the pair find beauty even in the most basic of lyrical conceits, be it non-specific beef with entire swathes of their peers (HAN), or the hardships of having an endless stream of beautiful women trying to have sex with you (Livvin, What More Can I Say).
  8. Oct 27, 2016
    So yes, there’s plenty here to like in the raspy soul over smooth beats. But there is not a lot to love, but I can’t help but think wouldn’t have been the case if two hard-working artists slowed down a little.
  9. Oct 26, 2016
    It’s a restlessly inventive work that adds a uniquely soulful layer to underground Hip Hop 3.0’s resurgent, evolving sound.
  10. Oct 25, 2016
    While it's endlessly enjoyable throughout, what we have here feels like a placeholder, a victory lap. Nonetheless, in a year full of R&B records bearing so much weight, it can feel a bit light in intent. There's few albums in his lane this year that can beat it for sheer vibes.
  11. Oct 25, 2016
    Yes Lawd! is one of the more satisfying efforts of the year thus far.
  12. Oct 24, 2016
    There’s also great ingenuity in the shorter interludes comprising little more than random chatter over a simple melody (Can’t Stop). An album with this much flair and originality is hard to fault.
  13. 65
    There are a few outright duds on the record.... Hopefully the next NxWorries LP sees .Paak challenging himself a bit more, because the duo have the talent to put out a truly transcendent record.
  14. Oct 24, 2016
    The producer being so secondary here is certainly a missed opportunity. The album still ends up being a thrill, due to the duo’s sheer talent, but its caution undermines its competence. .Paak has insisted that Yes Lawd! is not an Anderson .Paak album, but it sure sounds like one.
  15. 83
    Yes Lawd! cuts a deep groove and doesn’t let up for nearly an hour of R&B/hip-hop bliss.
  16. Oct 20, 2016
    What’s astonishing here is the way they manage to forge a sound nearly as rich and original as that of America’s most blunted.
  17. 80
    This is a very well-crafted album that succeeds on its own terms.
  18. Oct 20, 2016
    This is an album about feeling good, and the freewheeling abandon .Paak brings to his delivery is matched by Knxwledge, who keeps up with him by absorbing as many sounds, voices, eras and influences as he can.
  19. Oct 20, 2016
    If not quite as substantive as Malibu, this is one of those albums that can be played continuously without risk of depreciation.
  20. Oct 20, 2016
    With short tracks, skits and interludes admittedly Yes Lawd! does feel a bit more like a mixtape than an album at times but that’s simply the NxWorries way. In a pairing with this much chemistry, they can be forgiven for getting a little carried away.
  21. Oct 20, 2016
    The result is remarkable consistency across 19 tracks. Indeed, Yes Lawd! is an album best appreciated with complete play-through.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 66 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 60 out of 66
  2. Negative: 3 out of 66
  1. Nov 5, 2016
    I'ma tell y'all something: Individually, Anderson .Paak and Knxwledge are amazing in their own ways, but when they join forces, you can't denyI'ma tell y'all something: Individually, Anderson .Paak and Knxwledge are amazing in their own ways, but when they join forces, you can't deny that something amazing, soulful and funky happens... definitely enjoyed this project! Full Review »
  2. Oct 21, 2016
    Anderson Paak can truly do no wrong, with this new collab album with Knxwledge, one of the best producers out right now creating mesmerizingAnderson Paak can truly do no wrong, with this new collab album with Knxwledge, one of the best producers out right now creating mesmerizing instrumentals for Paak to put his soulful vocals over. This album is all about character development, with this egotistical sexist character going through and maturing throughout the album. Clever writing really helps you stay engaged besides the beats, as Anderson really flows through the whole Album smoothly. Yes Lawd! is truly an album all about feeling good and telling stories through these songs. The tracks are short and sweet and have tons of replay value. This very well may be the RnB Madvillainy!!!! Full Review »
  3. Jan 10, 2018
    At this rate Anderson .Paak and Knxwledge are bound to become some of the best at what they do ever, everything these two have down isAt this rate Anderson .Paak and Knxwledge are bound to become some of the best at what they do ever, everything these two have down is absolutely brilliant in my opinion. This is the R&B and Neo-Soul equivalent of Madvillainy. Full Review »