
Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. The biggest complaint has to be that the early single 'Nike Boots' is missing, but otherwise, this unique debut does not disappoint.
  2. Well, there’s no doubt that he delivers with a rigorous, intelligent set, but let’s not go overboard. Attention Deficit proves there’s still room for growth.
  3. He often lives up to that promise on his major-label debut, tossing out deep thoughts and show-offy puns over beats that pay homage to the go-go of his native D.C.
  4. The darker moments like 'Contemplate,' where he explores insecurity against an elegiac Rihanna sample, prove he's best as a doubter, not a hater.
  5. In its ambitious attempts to revive conscious rap and push the envelope sonically, Attention Deficit may be one of the best rap releases of the year even while it lacks the focus of a central persona.
  6. The album is confident and catchy, with some telling moments. It’s also a measure of how limited Wale and his label think their hip-hop mainstream is.
  7. The thing holds together remarkably well, thanks to Wale’s upstart charisma and remarkable versatility.
  8. Internal rhyme schemes, halting phrasing, thoughtful self-exploration; this is Wale at his best. Not as a preening star filling in the gaps for a king-making debut. A regular person, with doubts and sadness, joy and confidence. There's just not enough of it on Attention Deficit.
  9. 70
    Straddling the line between street and pop, Attention: Deficit doesn't quite capture the pop zeitgeist. But it sheds light on Wale's evolving personality, and his circuitous story raps reward deep listening.
  10. Ultimately, Attention Deficit stands as a solid introduction, though in venturing to bridge the gap between backpackers and the masses, Wale has clearly lost some of what set him apart in the first place.
  11. 90
    The production offers great instrumentation and paints moods very well for Wale and his expertly-picked guest appearances.
  12. Overall, Attention: Deficit should be considered a successful debut, albeit mildly uneven.
  13. Attention Deficit offers the best of both worlds; it’s pop music with integrity and brains. And, in the parlance of American Bandstand, you can dance to it!
  14. The biggest problem with Wale's debut LP is that sure, the music is good, some of the concepts are interesting...But it is all very middle of the road, and Wale himself is an MC desperately in need of charisma.
  15. The rookie blunders are kept to a minimum, and Wale’s mesmeric talent--the left-field punchlines, the charmingly laid-back flows, the nakedly emotional storytelling--is enhanced by lively beats that juggle eclectic synth-pop with throwback soul.
  16. Overall, the ups far outweigh the downs.
  17. It’s now clear that though the District of Columbia might not have representation in the US Senate, residents do have a distinguished rep in hip-hop.
  18. A shock in the uttermost worst way because Wale has suffered from the over-production, guest-crammed, lack-of-ideas style that usually follows with a major label release.
  19. Luckily, Wale never spreads himself too thin on Attention Deficit and maintains the urgency of his mixtapes to ensure that the set contains little filler.
  20. There's little doubting Wale's potential but 'Attention Deficit' is so much like a lot of other rap fare out there that it will very likely suffer to be heard above the cynicism directed at hip hop in 2010.
  21. Q Magazine
    His debut album isn't quite as off the wall [as his mixtape], but taps an irrepressible post-Kanye West mood. [Jun 2010, p.133]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 34 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 34
  2. Negative: 0 out of 34
  1. May 9, 2017
    Maybe his only and ever good/great debut album from him. I'm the fan of his early mixtapes and this here. At the time I had just turned 18 andMaybe his only and ever good/great debut album from him. I'm the fan of his early mixtapes and this here. At the time I had just turned 18 and he was one of the artist at the time in hip hop I was loving. I remember Nike Boots and that was a sleeper of a hit... but a buzz worthy track. I just felt it was different just from the "Seinfeld" angle along with just the concept "about nothing". When he dropped the featured song with GaGa, I kinda liked it but when you hear the entire album it sorta gets play only if I hear the whole album. But this album had down moments and high but not in a way to harm the album. I love it and still love it. I just wish even to this day that he never signed with MMG who in my opinion ruined him and his appeal in rap.

    Favorites: Mama Told Me, Mirrors, Shades, Contemplate and Beautiful Bliss (J. Cole personally)
    Full Review »
  2. Jun 27, 2013
    Truthfully, the song that stuck out to me the most was definitely 90210, which I found to be just different from many of Wale's peers. WaleTruthfully, the song that stuck out to me the most was definitely 90210, which I found to be just different from many of Wale's peers. Wale is definitely on the come up and Attention Deficit was a great start. Especially with songs like Girls and Chilling, Attention Deficit is an album that you can listen to many times without getting bored. Full Review »
  3. Feb 18, 2011
    What makes this record stand out is that there is something special hidden within the fabric of Wale's personality. Sure his lyrics areWhat makes this record stand out is that there is something special hidden within the fabric of Wale's personality. Sure his lyrics are average at best but his attitude feels relevant in comparison to the Lil' Wayne's and Kanye West's of today. The production is top-notch and sounds awesome and Wale doesn't disappoint but bear in mind this is a real mainstream record, so for some it will be a turn off. I don't listen to the record much but when I do I love it. 81/100 Full Review »