
Generally favorable reviews - based on 32 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 28 out of 32
  2. Negative: 0 out of 32
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  1. The Wire
    Apr 28, 2011
    It's clever stuff, but if it's sweat you want, you're probably better off going for a run. [Mar 2011, p.48]
  2. Mojo
    Apr 12, 2011
    San Francisco art-rockers deliver the perfect prog-pop hit. [Feb. 2011, p. 100]
  3. Mar 4, 2011
    Deerhoof vs. Evil is more tentative than the group's best work, but its consistently dazzling musicianship carries the band as it explores different themes on a new label.
  4. Feb 7, 2011
    All told, when the worst thing you can say about an album is that it falls underneath the band's grand shadow, you know you've still got a pretty solid record.
  5. Feb 2, 2011
    Dominated by Satomi Matsuzaki's cute vocals, this is might be a laid-back record, but it's still one that's wonderfully challenging.
  6. Q Magazine
    Feb 1, 2011
    Playful pop brainteasers from the cult quartet. [Feb. 2011, p. 114]
  7. Feb 1, 2011
    As it stands, Deerhoof seems to have lost its footing a bit with this one.
  8. Feb 1, 2011
    The resulting record is at once deliciously fragmented and oddly together - each track thriving on Deerhoof's unnerving balancing act of composure and recklessness.
  9. Jan 31, 2011
    Deerhoof vs. Evil is predictably unpredictable and a fun little experiment from a band seemingly incapable of recording a bad album, but it's hard to imagine returning to this years from now as often as their better work.
  10. Jan 31, 2011
    If familiarity breeds contempt, regularity breeds complacency, and Deerhoof's prodigiously consistent output should not overshadow how precious they are.
  11. Jan 28, 2011
    Deerhoof Vs. Evil is a stylishly composed work done from four gifted musicians who are more than happy to be sarcastically snarling at you the whole time.
  12. Jan 27, 2011
    Deerhoof's found a groove without compromising their special place in the animal kingdom.
  13. Jan 27, 2011
    They're sticking to their M.O. of repeating a single odd musical or lyrical phrase ("I did crimes for you, they're coming true!") again and again until it sounds like a hook; beyond that, you can tell that they're trying to wriggle out of what they've been doing in the band's previous phase, but haven't quite figured out what comes next.
  14. Jan 27, 2011
    Deerhoof are spazzy, but not sloppy, and their execution is as serious as the atomic bomb on the album cover.
  15. Jan 26, 2011
    The album feels disarmingly unspoiled. Recorded and mixed in do-it-yourself fashion, it is rougher sounding than the band's other recent releases, with a more approachable scale.
  16. Jan 25, 2011
    Even more than those artists' fantastic new albums, Deerhoof vs. Evil musically captures the essence of this hard-to-fathom-but-entirely-possible future.
  17. Jan 25, 2011
    On this, the group's most consistently engaging album in years, pretty much every one of those ideas works.
  18. Jan 25, 2011
    It's proof that, once again, Deerhoof can craft something fresh and different after so many albums. In their world, evil and boredom are practically the same thing, and Deerhoof vs. Evil triumphs against both.
  19. Jan 25, 2011
    Deerhoof vs. Evil breaks no new ground; The Merry Barracks and C'Moon boast the band's signature mix of dissonance and pop tunefulness, with surreal lyrics that can be too self-consciously quirky.
  20. 50
    Ultimately Deerhoof Vs Evil isn't going to bring about any revolutions by itself. And while the people who love Deerhoof for being Deerhoof will certainly like this, it's no place to start for anyone else.
  21. 70
    Compared to the wild noise they made on albums like Milk Man and Reveille, Deerhoof vs. Evil is definitely a different kind of wild noise all on itself. Don't expect the crazed madness of the former's title track but don't expect to be disappointed either.
  22. Jan 24, 2011
    Basically, this is the Deerhoof album we've all come to expect: provocative, infectious and characteristically unpredictable.
  23. Jan 20, 2011
    Alas, the manic pace of the total structural collage makes it awfully hard to settle in as a listener. Deerhoof vs. Evil has a Guernica quality, in which pleasure and humanity are sublimated to the grotesque, which in turn is justified by the supposed inevitability of rational progress.
  24. Uncut
    Jan 19, 2011
    Deerhoof are close to knocking the Flaming Lips off their exalted perch. [Feb 2011, p.82]
  25. Jan 19, 2011
    Even though the initial delight wears off relatively quickly, this is still a weird and largely wonderful insight into a band equally capable of frustration as they are innovation.
  26. Jan 18, 2011
    Even for Deerhoof, this is a tricky album to work your way through. But even if you never quite figure it out, it's unlikely you'll get tired of trying any time soon.
  27. Jan 18, 2011
    Their songs, while essentially playful and lovable--more so than ever on Vs Evil, the San Francisco band's 10th album, which features near-lounge music moments--have a hard centre and are often tricky to parse, thanks in no small part to Satomi Matsuzaki's lyrics.
  28. Jan 14, 2011
    Deerhoof's trademark guitar-noise scribbling has been transformed in the studio, resulting in bulky, segmented yet hummable compositions that signify--we think--the triumph of cutesy creativity over grouchiness.
  29. Alternative Press
    Jan 11, 2011
    When they do attempt to play things straight, it hits the mark with impressive accuracy, commanding your attention--and a few of your most limber-limbed dance moves. [Feb 2011, p.87]
  30. Jan 10, 2011
    Deerhood vs. Evil is just simultaneously astounding and utterly familiar, correct, and right.
  31. Under The Radar
    Jan 10, 2011
    Deerhoof vs. Evil provides one more set of indelible hoof prints that mere feet can't quite duplicate. [Year End 2010, p.69]
  32. Jan 7, 2011
    On an album that clocks in at only a little over half an hour, the band's fight against the dark forces would seem to be one that they've come out the better from.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 23 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 23
  2. Negative: 1 out of 23
  1. Oct 6, 2012
    Not Deerhoof's best, but worth checking out for fans of the band. There are a number of great songs on here, like "Behold a Marvel in theNot Deerhoof's best, but worth checking out for fans of the band. There are a number of great songs on here, like "Behold a Marvel in the Darkness," "Super Duper Rescue Heads," and "Secret Mobilization," but the lows are a bit lower than usual. That said, there are too few weak points for this to be anything other than a good, enjoyable album. Deerhoof is good enough that an "off day" for them still produces entertaining results. Full Review »
  2. Oct 3, 2011
  3. Feb 9, 2011
    This album blends wonderful noise-pop hooks and beautiful layers to make their most accessible album yet. For a band that has been recordingThis album blends wonderful noise-pop hooks and beautiful layers to make their most accessible album yet. For a band that has been recording for almost 15 years, they are still changing their sound however they see fit. That is a quality rarely seen in a band. If you haven't listened to Deerhoof, I suggest you start now. Full Review »