• Record Label: Carpark
  • Release Date: Feb 26, 2008

Generally favorable reviews - based on 29 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 22 out of 29
  2. Negative: 1 out of 29
  1. Beach House have created as profound an invocation of the sacred and the sentimental as you’re ever likely to hear.
  2. Despite the gorgeous production, listening to 11 of these ragged dirges in a row requirea unconditional Devotion. [29 Feb 2008]
  3. As comfortable as the Beach House sound is, it's the uncomfortable moments that are most seductive.
  4. 70
    The effect is like a vaguely remembered, pleasantly low-key dream. [Mar 2008, p.97]
  5. To conjure this otherworldly sound is impressive, but the lack of variation in tempo and atmosphere makes sustaining interest for a full 45 minutes difficult.
  6. Devotion has that same opiated warmth that left me lying in a bed of rose petals for long stretches last year, and though I would have preferred a bigger growth spurt from the Baltimore duo, they shot up at least enough to warrant a new pencil mark a half-inch/inch above where I placed them in ‘06.
  7. Under The Radar
    In all, Devotion teems with as many moments of ethereal beauty as the debut. [Winter 2008, p.80]
  8. Uncut
    If you like Galaxie 500, Mazzy Star, Low, you'll adore them. If you don't, you won't. [Mar 2008, p.83]
  9. Magnet
    The melodies and arrangements take center stage, and they're consistently stunning. [Winter 2008, p.97]
  10. Devotion includes all of the same essential ingredients as its predecessor, but a ratcheting-up of intensity makes this album shine even brighter.
  11. This tandem of dream pop has crafted a beautiful, spectral and memorable album with Devotion.
  12. Devotion's half-submerged, half-weightless ambience feels like a shaky yet sure transition into something even more abstract and fragile.
  13. These are crisper, brighter, bolder songs, retaining Beach House's sense of elegant decay while sweeping up the debris.
  14. Beach House's dark moods have more shades, and even a little bit of light, making them all the more compelling.
  15. Rather than fading into you, they're content to simply fade away.
  16. Devotion goes down a little easier is both its strength and a feature that proves a bit disappointing in the end.
  17. Beach House’s revamped sound may disappoint shoegazers upon first listen, but the band’s newfound command of melody, fuller instrumentation, and excellent pacing make Devotion a better record altogether.
  18. The songs lack the emotional pull of the duo's debut. Seeds of greatness are still evident, but this direction just seems like a dead end.
  19. The album truly is beautiful within its down tempo setting, and as a soundtrack for the morning after, there’s nothing quite like keeping the lights off and the volume low and simply letting Devotion get you through the day.
  20. The intoxicating arrangements of 'All the Years,' 'Heart of Chambers,' and closer 'Home Again' prove Devotion is haunted, a force hard to resist.
  21. Mojo
    Scally's armoury of drum boxes, Bontempi organs and electric guitars provides shape-shifting backgrounds--classic '60s pop arrangements filtered through the fuzzy prism of a dream. [Mar 2008, p.108]
  22. Devotion is a delicate, often gorgeous listen that flows remarkably well, though I can’t help but attribute its coherence to the utter lack of variation among its eleven songs.
  23. 70
    One almost has to listen closely to take notice of Devotion’s every last little benumbed intricacy but it’s as rewarding as it is tantalizing.
  24. Q Magazine
    Legrand and Scally have wisely not radically tinkered with their hypnotic formula. Everything is dreamily understated. [Mar 2008, p.100]
  25. 84
    Slide guitars and steel drums seduce the listener into a world of gentle pain, making for a sophomore album that is, like its predecessor, a beautiful collection of songs and images seemingly constructed upon repulsion and ennui.
  26. Legrand’s nebulous vocals may have the effect of casino music at times, but we’re reeled into a settling autumnal haze.
  27. As with many a lasting romance, the album’s secret is variety within the constancy.
  28. It's transfixing in the moment and even more so once you've stopped listening.
  29. When they hit even small strides, like the album's murky single 'Gila,' the relief is like a breath of ocean air. Otherwise, for the most part, the admittedly pretty songs simply fade away, like footprints in the sand.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 91 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 85 out of 91
  2. Negative: 1 out of 91
  1. Aug 25, 2022
    Like the coverart depicts "Devotion " is supernatural. A layered séance that invokes lulling dreampop harmonies and soft textures
  2. Apr 18, 2016
    Can you be casually hooked on something? That's how I feel about Beach House. They are far from one of my favourite bands but having saidCan you be casually hooked on something? That's how I feel about Beach House. They are far from one of my favourite bands but having said that, I've rushed to buy their last 4 albums as soon as they came out. Having gotten into them around "Teen Dream", I checked "Devotion" out retrospectively. It's a decent record without ever being brilliant and serves to point out just how much this band have developed and improved as they have gone on as as much as anything else. Although still recognisable, it's a different sound to the Beach House of the 2010's. You've got the dreamy tones and the unmistakable vocals but everything is turned down a level and a bit sparser. Sometimes this can work in favour of a record but the Beach House I love developed from this point on. Full Review »
  3. Aug 10, 2015
    Without a doubt the best album Beach House has produced to date, and probably one of the best albums I've ever heard. There's somethingWithout a doubt the best album Beach House has produced to date, and probably one of the best albums I've ever heard. There's something personal and beautiful about this album that, though catchy and charming, Teen Dream and Bloom can't compare to. Full Review »