
Generally favorable reviews - based on 29 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 29
  2. Negative: 0 out of 29
  1. Given the fact that the Dead Weather formed on a whim and recorded these songs in a matter of weeks, Horehound is a compelling album, and one that shows that the band's members bring out the best in each other, albeit in unexpected ways.
  2. Alternative Press
    There's no denying the quartet know how to work a mighty groove as well as set up atmospheres similar to bands remanded to the faded pages of old record-collecting magazines. [July 2009, p.126]
  3. The propulsive 11-track Horehound finds the White Stripes and Raconteurs frontman every bit as able on the drums as he is on guitar.
  4. The first half of Horehound is just weird enough to be utterly mesmerizing, a series of ominous, fuzzed-out psycho-blues riffs that climax in the tremendous Rush-meets-Jay-Z rave-up of 'Treat Me Like Your Mother.' But creative disintegration floods the record's latter regions with less captivating bump-'n'-grindhouse grooves.
  5. All-star collective make unholy hot-and-sweaty psycho-blues racket.
  6. There's no joke here--just mountains of chest-rattling primal rock designed to reassert the elemental power of the four-piece rock group. Mission accomplished.
  7. Mojo
    As you hit repeat to hear Horehound for the umpteenth time, what's remarkable is that these 11 tunes, with their sonic curveballs and causl vim, suggest that a second Dead Weather LP would be almost as welcome as the White Stripes' seventh. [Jul 2009, p.90]
  8. White's drums duke it out with Dean Fertita's guitar, mostly below the belt. Alison Mosshart doffs her s&m drag to suffer and yelp. Jack Lawrence plays bass. Fierce.
  9. The debut is by no means a hit-packed record, pop is firmly on the backburner here and thrillingly it's precisely this lack of obvious choruses and instead the bizarre little instrumental interludes, spooky stripped down ballads which build and build and attacking grooves that will have you coming back time and time again to it.
  10. It’s a maiden voyage with a few kinks that need to be worked out. One promising aspect is White’s new pet project, The Kills singer Alison Mosshart.
  11. The foursome weave a dizzying web of traditions into their own rough-hewn sound, dragging vestiges of alt-rock, punk and blues through the mud to achieve an album rife with brash dissonance.
  12. The songs on Horehound don't so much rock as writhe, reinstituting the idea of the blues as a sinister, morally corrupting force that's as much the province of voodoo priests and witch doctors as musicians.
  13. While the Dead Weather might not necessarily surpass the accomplishments of its impressive pedigree, it’s certainly more uncompromising, brutal, menacing, honest.
  14. Horehound doesn’t sound like the first album from a tossed-off side project; it crackles with the intensity of a band that has been together longer than a few months.
  15. With Raconteurs bassist Jack Lawrence and guitarist-organist Dean Fertita helping out, the pair cut Horehound in three weeks, but these are all top-notch songs, rooted in Seventies dirtbag rock.
  16. Her voice simply doesn't have the heft to project the necessary menace. Despite these occasional missteps, though, Horehound establishes the Dead Weather as a fully-realized band with a sufficiently distinctive point of view that deserves serious consideration as more than just a one-off side project.
  17. The Dead Weather is a true collaboration, with each band member providing songs (along with input into one another’s songs), and this bunch is talented enough to make even the tracks that are all mood sound just about right.
  18. Horehound isn't White Stripes tea-party cutesy, and it's not Raconteurs good-times eclectic--it's nothing but riffs and 'tude all the way through.
  19. The tracks blister with attitude and grit, but the persistent monochrome grows a bit exhausting all coughed out at once. The bitter sandstorm could stand more punctuation, even if it did make Horehound less terrifying.
  20. 70
    This album showcases the fact that every member stepped up to this creative challenge. A thoroughly enjoyable departure until we hear from Jack and Meg.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 52 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 47 out of 52
  2. Negative: 3 out of 52
  1. drewp
    Jul 30, 2009
    Blues and rock and punk (and hip-hop??) It's not difficult to spot the influences here, but it's impossible not to be impressed by Blues and rock and punk (and hip-hop??) It's not difficult to spot the influences here, but it's impossible not to be impressed by the way they're combined here to make the most exciting rock album of the year. If nothing else, check Treat Me Like Your Mother and Cut Like a Buffalo. Full Review »
  2. Nov 22, 2011
    Some good Rock on here to be fair but also some average stuff. Some of it not so good. Like most "Super Groups" you'd be much better offSome good Rock on here to be fair but also some average stuff. Some of it not so good. Like most "Super Groups" you'd be much better off listening to any of the members "mother" bands though. Full Review »
  3. Jan 8, 2011
    The Dead Weather is better than White's other side project The Raconteurs. It's a lot stranger than anything Jack White has ever done before.The Dead Weather is better than White's other side project The Raconteurs. It's a lot stranger than anything Jack White has ever done before. Sounds different from The Raconteurs and doesn't even come close to The White Stripes. But everything about this album sounds great. "I Cut Like A Buffalo" is a strange, blues jam that is just great. "Treat Me Like Your Mother" is another great track. Allison Mosshart's vocals sound amazing. All In All, The Dead Weather's debut album Horehound is a great album that needs to be listened too. A- Full Review »