• Record Label: Barsuk
  • Release Date: Jul 27, 2010

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
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  1. Drifting between order and disarray, Menomena's fourth album is like an exercise in controlled chaos.
  2. Alternative Press
    The Portland, Oregon, trio trade their micro-fragmented structures for indie-pop opuses drenched in linear tensions on the meticulously crated Mines. [Aug 2010, p150]
  3. Drama aside, space is Menomena's final frontier, and they use it to great effect.
  4. Although fourth album Mines, released three years after its predecessor, retains Menomena's trademark virtuosity in production, here the band's complex, monolithic sonic structures are supported by a consistent emotional foundation that elevates the songs to new heights.
  5. It's rare when every member of a band can claim both vocal and instrumental contributions to an album, and even more rare when each contributor is exceptionally talented.
  6. The starburst drum-fills, the jackknife stabs of guitar, the vocal melodies bronzed with catchiness-all of it soars, nodding at vitality, as though the aesthetics of joy might, if stressed enough, smother sadness until it's finally gone for good.
  7. With Mines, Menomena have shown that they are a trio of reliably progressive, thoughtful musicians.
  8. As usual, band members pile multiple textures onto one another in baroque, overpopulated juxtapositions.
  9. Despite its experimental genesis, Mines is an incredibly relatable indie-pop gem.
  10. Each track on their fourth boasting a captivating blend of experimentalism and depth.
  11. It's cohesive, it's tight and it illustrates the band's continuous depth and attention to subtlety.
  12. It's a slow, über-democratic process that, on the band's fourth album, results in sputtering post-rock à la early Flaming Lips that varies wildly from song to song.
  13. Mines is Menomena at its best-mentally relentless and physically ruthless.
  14. There's a lot of room for your ear to roam on Mines, and it reveals itself over the course of a few listens as a very satisfying album worth exploring and revisiting.
  15. This is an album as hard to predict as it is to nail down into one stylistic category, which proves to be its greatest strength.
  16. Simply, Menomena are a band that sounds completely familiar but totally different.
  17. Mines is thoroughly what one has come to expect from Menomena: an album that is titanic in scope, filled with offbeat wordplay, and entangled instruments.
  18. Mines is one of the better rock albums to come out this year, and yes, it's interesting.
  19. The details are stacked on in such neat pieces--background piano arpeggios here, a couple of skronking guitar notes there--that it's all reduced to very well executed window dressing.
  20. Under The Radar
    Maturity suits Menomena's Mines just fine. [Summer 2010, p.79]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 16
  2. Negative: 1 out of 16
  1. Oct 11, 2012
    I've just checked my last.fm account that this is my most listened to album, ever, Wow. Not supprised though. I think this is there best,I've just checked my last.fm account that this is my most listened to album, ever, Wow. Not supprised though. I think this is there best, although I'm sure people would disagree. Slow burning, complex conically interesting, yet still melodic. Dense with references and hidden gems if you care to listen. Can only be enjoyed by a full listen. Full Review »
  2. Sep 8, 2010
    Another solid release from one of my favorite bands (who happen to be exceptionally excellent live). If you haven't heard these guys before,Another solid release from one of my favorite bands (who happen to be exceptionally excellent live). If you haven't heard these guys before, I'd highly suggest their past releases. This is probably the only band of whom I can listen to every album front to back. Full Review »