
Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
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  1. Sep 17, 2012
    Putrifiers II is part snapshot and part look into the crystal ball, showing Dwyer and company's ever-changing approach to songwriting and musicianship, and further cementing Thee Oh Sees' status as one of the most liberated, vital bands in indie rock.
  2. Sep 11, 2012
    Beside Putrifiers II's guitar-fuelled thrills are a number of moments that find Thee Oh See's catching their winklepinkers on the pavement as they attempt to side step into more experimental, psychedelic territory.
  3. Sep 19, 2012
    Putrifiers II stands as the moment in the bands discography where they break free of any and all restrictions and leave the door wide open for any subsequent releases.
  4. Sep 12, 2012
    Putrifiers II is not the masterpiece TOS fans may have been hoping for. But it is another piece that let's Thee Oh Sees maintain the role of reigning masters.
  5. Sep 13, 2012
    Every track presents a new side of the band in quick succession, like pushing a magic Scan button on a radio and finding a paradoxically coherent choppiness.
  6. Sep 27, 2012
    Putrifiers II is clearly a collaborative effort, and all the more delightful as a result.
  7. Sep 12, 2012
    The results are sporadic and schizophrenic, in the sense that it's hard to pinpoint a solid foundation within the album, and easy to get lost in its infectious melodies.
  8. Sep 11, 2012
    A bit less slapdash punk and more laid-back vintage California sound, it feels like the wooziest acid-fueled daydreams of Brian Wilson.
  9. Magnet
    Oct 4, 2012
    Putrifiers II finds a compelling bridge between the two poles [the breezy, lo-fi records Dwyer makes on his own and the heavier, more propulsive ones he makes with the full band] - ironically by being a remarkably wide-ranging effort. [No.91 p.59]
  10. Sep 13, 2012
    An exceptional piece of psychedelic garage rock that never stays in the same place yet manages to still feel consistent as a whole, making this album a true standout amongst Thee Oh Sees' vast discography.
  11. Sep 20, 2012
    This isn't the best Oh Sees album, but at least they probably won't wait too long to try again.
  12. Sep 11, 2012
    If it sounds like Thee Oh Sees have matured, you'd be right.
  13. Sep 12, 2012
    If the sheer enormity of Thee Oh Sees' dense discography has proven too forbidding for you to delve into, Putrifiers II is a convenient summary/gateway, opening with a killer shot of the band's patented echo-drenched fuzz-punk delirium ("Wax Face") and closing with a baroque, string-swept lullaby ("Wicked Park"), while traversing all points in between.
  14. Sep 18, 2012
    A worthy addition to Thee Oh Sees' growing canon, and an agreeable starting point for those who want to hear the band's woolly take on psychedelic sounds infused with a dollop of pop.
  15. Sep 11, 2012
    It's a summer album released just too late, but should do a stellar job of carrying some heat over into the colder months. Most importantly, it's yet another case in the argument to trust Thee Oh Sees with whatever sounds capture their interest.
  16. Q Magazine
    Sep 13, 2012
    Their 14th album sees them once again focusing on stripped down Nuggets-era garage rock. [Oct 2012, p.107]
  17. Sep 17, 2012
    The music here never has too clear of an antecedent, and the directions the album takes are generally unexpected-unsurprising for a band with such fondness for the unusual.
  18. Sep 11, 2012
    His [John Dwyer's] experiments seem less about evolution and progress, and more about exploring every permutation of his influences that are mathematically available to him. While that still makes for some decent songs, it's not nearly as exhilarating now that Thee Oh Sees' mix 'n' match methodology is so plainly evident to all but the most casual listeners.
  19. Sep 27, 2012
    I think of this band as one of the most consistently interesting musical projects of the last ten years, and this new material hasn't proven me otherwise.
  20. Sep 13, 2012
    Thee Oh Sees construct a serious approach to a non-serious existence, placing value upon both craft and childishness.
  21. Uncut
    Sep 14, 2012
    Number 14 sees them rejigged as a quintet, allowing their reverb-drenched sounds to spread where they will. [Oct 2012, p.87]
  22. Under The Radar
    Nov 30, 2012
    An increased technical sophistication, a broader stylistic range, and a more ambitious outlook. [Oct/Nov 2012, p.127]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 9 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 9
  3. Negative: 1 out of 9
  1. Oct 3, 2012
    Thee Oh Sees being everything you want them to be. I really enjoyed hearing more of the bluesy, melodic garage we heard a lot of on earlierThee Oh Sees being everything you want them to be. I really enjoyed hearing more of the bluesy, melodic garage we heard a lot of on earlier albums. Putrifiers One, where art thou? Full Review »
  2. Aug 30, 2018
    Best tracks include Wax Face, Hang a Picture, Flood's New Light, Lupine Dominus. Blends some of their previous works. Not quite the qualityBest tracks include Wax Face, Hang a Picture, Flood's New Light, Lupine Dominus. Blends some of their previous works. Not quite the quality throughout the entire album as we are used to seeing from them Full Review »