
Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
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  1. Dec 19, 2016
    Whether she’s howling about airport security machines, falling in and out of love or lust with someone or turning a jaundiced eye on the past, these are as solid, anthemic and moving a set of songs as any Against Me! have put out.
  2. Sep 28, 2016
    While Shape Shift With Me doesn’t reach the same highs as Transgender Dysphoria Blues, it’s another strong entry in the Against Me! discography.
  3. Sep 26, 2016
    The band’s music on Shape Shift is less straightforward than Transgender Dysphoria Blues. As a noisy, digressive follow-up to an anthemic rock record, it’s more a parallel to their audacious sophomore album As the Eternal Cowboy, and its relationship to their rumbling folk-punk debut Reinventing Axl Rose.
  4. Magnet
    Sep 20, 2016
    Shape Shift With Me has catchy anthems, heavy rock songs and speed rants; it's yet another excellent, and complicated, Against Me! album. [No. 135, p.52]
  5. Sep 19, 2016
    Shape Shift with Me feels considerably lighter than its predecessor: Grace is reveling in her mess, resulting in an album that is lighter, fleeter, hookier, and more fun than its predecessor.
  6. Sep 16, 2016
    Shape Shift With Me doesn’t offer a lot in the way of answers, but watching her fumble her way through the questions is a pleasure, regardless.
  7. Sep 16, 2016
    Those who like their alt-punk laced with introspection and intellectualism will continue to like Grace’s music, and perhaps learn a bit about what it’s like to be her as well.
  8. 80
    Shape Shift With Me is an excellent album, Grace an essential cultural figure.
  9. Sep 16, 2016
    This is Against Me! shifting the topic but retaining all the glory: biting lyricism, punk fury and rock prowess wrapped up in an infectious and perfectly imperfect package.
  10. Sep 16, 2016
    Against Me! has returned with something truly personal, an album that has the nerve to be small.
  11. Sep 15, 2016
    Shape Shift With Me is a sharply penned love letter both to the idea of romance and the people who engage in it, brimming with deep yet concisely expressed emotions that can only be worked out through top-of-the-lungs bellowing.
  12. Sep 15, 2016
    As with all of Against Me!’s work, it’s a potent mix of the personal and the political.
  13. Sep 15, 2016
    This is a winner, another great release from a band that, really, has no problem delivering great albums. Shape Shift with Me occupies a perfect middle ground between their last two discs, and that's a very special, and unique, place to be.
  14. 70
    Grace sings with macho guts and Shape Shift With Me, with its provocative title and explicit, non PC cover art no major label would approve, continues the band’s string of powerfully uncompromising but surprisingly tuneful albums that make you think, but only if you’re not busy thrashing in the mosh pit.
  15. Sep 15, 2016
    Here, Laura Jane Grace is emerging from her shell, grasping her icon status with both hands and speaking up for what she sees as a largely invisible, voiceless group of underdogs. And it doesn't get much more punk rock than that.
  16. 83
    Catchy as anything choruses, short track times, tight and sparse rhythms make this a record I wish came out when I was in high school. If the record does have a fault, is that it colors inside the lines.
  17. Q Magazine
    Sep 12, 2016
    Throughout, Grace's gift of melody is only surpassed by her candid lyricism. [Oct 2016, p.105]
  18. Sep 12, 2016
    As a cohesive work, Shape Shift with Me lacks the level of urgency and revelation of its predecessor. ... As listeners, we might not be able to carry the same things away from it, but maybe that’s okay---at the end of the day, it’s for her, not us.
  19. Kerrang!
    Sep 12, 2016
    [An album] that'll slowly reveal its full charms across repeated listens. [10 Sep 2016, p.51]
  20. Sep 12, 2016
    Bolstered by whip-smart lyricism and indelible riffs, Grace bares her sensual, sentimental side--but not without a few swift kicks in the eye.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 19 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 19
  2. Negative: 2 out of 19
  1. Sep 22, 2016
    Slightly worse than the last one, mainly for lacking a big single like that one had (the title track), and because at this point in time theSlightly worse than the last one, mainly for lacking a big single like that one had (the title track), and because at this point in time the aesthetic has been defined so well that it all starts feeling a bit redundant. There's a lot of energy to this music, which in the right circumstances makes for invigorating results ("ProVision L-3", "Dead Rats"), but sometimes feels diluted in immature Blink-esque angst and starts sounding corny ("Crash", "Suicide Bomber"). Plenty of songs feel somewhat sloppy and unfinished too, but I guess that's something to expect since it's punk music. Full Review »