
Universal acclaim - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
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  1. Sep 5, 2023
    Equally experimental and accessible, brimming over with aquatic atmosphere and pointed emotional feeling, and full of familiar joys and new surprises, everything is alive is the work of a group who are done reforming and have set their sights on brilliant evolution instead.
  2. Sep 5, 2023
    Hard to categorise, and impossible to assess immediately, like all of Slowdive, everything is alive will ever blossom with time.
  3. Aug 31, 2023
    Enchanting and illuminating, ‘everything is alive’ proves that Slowdive’s pulse is still beating strong.
  4. Classic Rock Magazine
    Sep 15, 2023
    It gets a touch ploddy in the middle, but the motorik of Shanty and electric pulse of Chained To A Cloud channel sanguine sunshine. Thriving. [Oct 2023, p.85]
  5. Sep 1, 2023
    If there’s evidence of musical progression, meanwhile, it comes via an apparently new-found fixation Neil has with modular synths; he deploys them tastefully here, perhaps to most striking effect on ‘Chained to a Cloud’. In general, though, ‘everything is alive’ very much gives off the sense that the slower gestations lead to the richest rewards.
  6. Sep 1, 2023
    Slowdive has created another masterpiece and shown why they are one of the most respected bands of the shoegaze genre.
  7. Aug 31, 2023
    There’s not much on this album which will raise the eyebrows of anyone familiar with their previous work, as it falls somewhere between the fuzzy glow of 1993’s Souvlaki and the dispassionate chill of its follow-up Pygmalion. But Everything Is Alive is joyful listen regardless, taking the cloud tunnel bliss of the best shoegaze and adding some pure pop pleasure. Cinema for the ears? More like dream visions for the soul.
  8. Sep 6, 2023
    everything is alive, prioritizes progression and refuses to stay stagnant. Sure, Slowdive glance back at their past every now and again, but it’s clear that their focus is fully set on the future.
  9. Sep 7, 2023
    Even the love songs feel lonelier, the landscape more unforgiving. A good Slowdive song has always felt like two lovers huddling together for warmth. But on everything is alive, the forces conspiring against the star-crossed lovers feel more menacing and specific.
  10. Sep 5, 2023
    Everything Is Alive may not have a “Star Roving” kind of single tucked within, but it still hits the listener where it counts, deep within the tenth listen with the lights turned down low in late autumn. Don’t fret over any initial impressions of stasis. Everything is indeed alive.
  11. Aug 29, 2023
    Everything Is Alive may not boast the lo-fi grit of Slowdive’s earlier work, but the band’s skill for scrupulous melodies is undiminished here. The album evolves Slowdive’s well-established sound with more electronic textures, creating a conceptual sonic landscape that buzzes with life.
  12. Aug 30, 2023
    Slowdive has outdone itself on its fifth full-length, Everything Is Alive, which elevates its pre-breakup work in ways that feel nearly unimaginable. Indeed, Slowdive in 2023 is capable of writing both the hands-down most affecting song of its career (“Andalucia Plays”) as well as its most in-your-face (“The Slab”), while also incorporating modular synths as foundational elements in its creative process for the first time (they’re the first notes you hear on opener “Shanty”).
  13. Aug 30, 2023
    everything is alive feels practically self-contained, like a Slowdive record blissfully unaware it is a Slowdive record, most likely for the better. Simultaneously, the fact that everything is alive could have been a very different album is hard to dismiss. The songs that contain explicit traces of this minimal electronic framework are easily the strongest cuts and, most importantly, feel like a productive midway point between “Slowdive Slowdiving” and whatever Pygmalion worshippers keep hoping for.
  14. Sep 1, 2023
    This second album of their second phase continues to do pretty much the same as they’ve ever done, but is all the lovelier for it.
  15. 80
    These songs are indubitably vigorous and youthful. Moreover, there’s also a fleck of Slowdive's nostalgia and urgency spattered on them, like the golden sky at sunset, whose warm-coloured canvas quickly loses its treasured vibrance to nightly darkness.
  16. Aug 29, 2023
    While at first listen Everything Is Alive might seem plain and minimalist, its flavours can be savoured for a long time. A bit similar to a perennial flower regrowing every spring. Like wonders of life and death hiding beyond the seemingly impenetrable façade of routine and time, its sonic complexity lies beneath the surface.
  17. Aug 29, 2023
    Slowdive are scene vets that have seemingly perfected their sound, but still have enough drive to keep nudging it forward, one shimmering soundscape at a time.
  18. Uncut
    Aug 29, 2023
    This is the Slowdive you've been waiting for. [Oct 2023, p18]
  19. Aug 31, 2023
    Everything is alive may only contain eight tracks, but Slowdive manage to craft an album of profound beauty full of emotional heft, which encompasses sadness, joy, gratitude, and ultimately optimism.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 12 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. Sep 2, 2023
    Slowdive как и на прошлом триумфальном возвращении 2017 года не подвели. Shanty, Alife, Kisses, Skin in the Game — хрестоматийные примерыSlowdive как и на прошлом триумфальном возвращении 2017 года не подвели. Shanty, Alife, Kisses, Skin in the Game — хрестоматийные примеры звука Slowdive, The Slab мне напомнил что-то из Disintegration от Cure. Спасибо, Slowdive. Full Review »
  2. Sep 1, 2023
    The album is a listening delight that combines the cloud tunnel bliss of the best shoegaze with pure pop pleasure. It is a testament to theThe album is a listening delight that combines the cloud tunnel bliss of the best shoegaze with pure pop pleasure. It is a testament to the band's enduring talent and a must-have for any fan. As a loyal Slowdive fan, I give Everything Is Alive a perfect 10/10. This album is a triumphant return for the band and I recommend it to anyone who appreciates their unique blend of shoegaze and electronic music. Full Review »
  3. Sep 6, 2023
    Precioso, bonito, mágico, nostálgico, producción perfecta, composición brillante. Cool cool cool cool.