
Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 25 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
  1. More expansive than "Friend Opportunity," not quite as sprawling as "The Runners Four," Offend Maggie is among Deerhoof's most balanced albums.
  2. Alternative Press
    Offend Maggie continues Deerhoof's winning streak and displays a band running at peak performance. [Nov 2008, p.154]
  3. New second guitarist Ed Rodriguez adds a nice sheen to John Dietrich's low end, drummer Greg Saunier's maniacal playing is its most metered yet, and singer Satomi Matsuzaki's singing and lyrics have matured.
  4. There are no "eureka" moments on Offend Maggie but plenty of small epiphanies.
  5. In short, this is not only more like it--this is possibly Deerhoof’s best album, lingering nostalgia issues with Reveille aside.
  6. Offend Maggie revels in that tease between balls-out western rock and Matsuzaki's playful but resolutely coy vocal patterns.
  7. The best way to approach this band is to stop comparing them to the usual reference points--instead, it's far more rewarding to accept Offend Maggie as a land of its own making, something to be indulged, explored and, finally, cherished.
  8. So, Offend Maggie doesn’t offer much in way of change. As cynical as the times we live in might be, that could be taken as a polite rebuke, but it’s not meant that way. They’re a creative band.
  9. Nearly every tune sports a hummable melody--many of them sublime--which makes this album one of the more accessible entries in Deerhoof's willfully strange catalog.
  10. Tastefully fashionable, Saunier's truly grandiose drumming bits serve to keep the listener well entertained while never flagging as the band's backbone; Dieterich, now bolstered by Rodriguez, sharpens the material with catchy guitar riffs; and Matsuzaki's well-timed and particularly soft voice provides plenty of flavor. Never conventional, bordering on the impractical, the formula nevertheless works.
  11. Mojo
    The surprises keep coming. [Nov 2008, p.108]
  12. Despite the fact that Offend Maggie is, in some ways, a “nothing new” addition to Deerhoof’s canon, it’s also one of their best.
  13. Offend Maggie is head-spinning bliss from beginning to end, and proves that the quartet are the best prog-rock post-punk Afro-Oriental art-pop folk-jazz band in the world.
  14. Though the sludgy abrasiveness of 1970s classic rock dominates, the influences, instruments and electronic sounds fly by at a dizzying pace.
  15. Maggie balks at the chance to make your knees go wobbly, keeping its allure strictly intellectual and technical rather than hot-blooded. That ethos isn't going to win a lot of hugs and kisses from fans or non-fans, but Maggie never asks for more than a firm, professional handshake, the kind of appreciation it more than deserves.
  16. Remarkably, there has not been a dip in quality: simply put, Deerhoof is as strangely consistent as they are consistently strange.
  17. Offend Maggie’s mellowness is not a lessening of Deerhoof’s strangeness. In fact, the emotional intensity of these songs may be even more pronounced than in songs from the past.
  18. Deerhoof offset the cutesiness with fuzzed-out riffs and brawny beats that even AC/DC fans could dig.
  19. Offend Maggie isn't a huge breakthrough for Deerhoof, but it's a step toward coherence with which few fans should have a problem.
  20. Nearly all the songs on Offend Maggie find different ways to achieve a surprisingly full, evocative union of Deerhoof's pop sense and experimental whims.
  21. All the parts are in place on Offend Maggie, Deerhoof’s beguiling, characteristically uproarious new album.
  22. The Wire
    Offend Maggie is the sound of a group mind at work, deep in spontaneous collective play--but a kind of play taken very very seriously. As it should be. [Dec 2008, p.58]
  23. It shouldn’t offend, but it might be slow to engage.
  24. Uncut
    If Offend Maggie doesn't have quite have that idiot's glee it's nevertheless quite a riot. [Nov 2008, p.94]
  25. Under The Radar
    It's nice to hear the band still finding ways to broaden even its own experimental spirit. [Fall 2008, p.74]

Awards & Rankings

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 18 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 18
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 18
  3. Negative: 1 out of 18
  1. Oct 6, 2012
    Offend Maggie doesn't hit you in the gut the way The Runners Four did, but I think it's every bit as good for different reasons. It's probablyOffend Maggie doesn't hit you in the gut the way The Runners Four did, but I think it's every bit as good for different reasons. It's probably Deerhoof's most carefully composed album, making it richer and more complex. As a result, it rewards repeated listens more than their past releases. They still have the ability to immediately knock your socks off, though; "Jagged Fruit" is one of their best closers (and best songs) to date, and it's the perfect ending to a great album. +50 win points for Deerhoof. Full Review »