• Record Label: Downtown
  • Release Date: May 9, 2006

Universal acclaim - based on 37 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 32 out of 37
  2. Negative: 0 out of 37
  1. With the help of Danger Mouse's platinum ear and intricate vocal productions, Green is revealed as a top-notch post-millennial soul singer.
  2. Some of the record gets bogged down in its own deliberate weirdness.
  3. Blender
    It's always peculiar, and often a mess; it's also occasionally brilliant. [Jun 2006, p.142]
  4. It is often silly, occasionally ridiculous, always catchy as hell, and as loose as an album with this kind of production credit can be. What more could we ask from a pop record?
  5. As is to be expected in any collaboration of this type, there are a lot of good ideas to be found, and it’s worth hearing, even with a few missteps.
  6. Both artists have stepped outside their regular roles to make what feels like a genuinely instinctive, love-fuelled record that zings with an enthusiasm for all spectrums of music.
  7. Each listen reveals depth and texture that allow the hooks plenty of room to breathe.
  8. It's no contender for end-of-year honours, but so far as pop goes in 2006, this may well be the pinnacle.
  9. It may fall short a few instances, but it’s a record with genuine ingenuity.
  10. 100
    Weird, wonderful and, yes, super.
  11. St. Elsewhere is a bumpy but mesmerizing ride.
  12. Filter
    More soulful and funky than any of Dangermouse's previous efforts. [#20, p.101]
  13. Los Angeles Times
    Every song on this exhilarating debut... is almost as good as its first hit, "Crazy." That's saying a lot. [6 May 2006]
  14. Throughout, Cee-Lo’s crazed Muddy Waters-meets-Al Jarreau tenor drools soul and exudes liquid-nitrogen cool.
  15. Mojo
    A loose lyrical thread (mental instability), an unrestrained creativity and an enviable sense of musical freedom are the only things holding it together. [Jun 2006, p.104]
  16. Although this isn't a flawless album, it will undoubtedly be a huge hit and keep many people company through the long hot summer months ahead.
  17. You certainly won't hear much else at the moment as inventive as this.
  18. It's a disappointing underachievement.
  19. It’s all over the place in the best possible way.
  20. As scattershot and weirdly limp as parts of this are-- two guys just knocking things together, seeing what happens-- well, it feels better to hear someone trying.
  21. It's hard not to feel that the mystique is so damaged by the poor execution of the opening, that the rest of 'St. Elsewhere', however good, struggles to catch up.
  22. The collaboration between sound technician Danger Mouse and astral soul brother #1 Cee-Lo Green is scatterbrained and compulsive, a collective of voices in varying degrees of twitchy, restless (in)sanity competing for one mind.
  23. A disappointing missed opportunity.
  24. Q Magazine
    St Elsewhere rivals Gorillaz' Demon Days for sheer inventiveness. [Jun 2006, p.109]
  25. A strange and unique album that is more rock and pop than anything most rap fans are used to.
  26. Rolling Stone
    There's a creeping dementia to all of St. Elsewhere. [4 May 2006, p.56]
  27. As we approach the halfway point of 2006, it's unlikely that a more vivid or arresting debut will drop this year, marking St. Elsewhere as not only an audacious accomplishment, but one of the year's best.
  28. Spin
    High-energy electro eccentricity. [Jun 2006, p.80]
  29. With “Crazy,” the duo hits its apex without really shrouding the rest of the album.
  30. St. Elsewhere deftly balances solid songcraft with free-floating weirdness for a project that's suavely international but unmistakably American.
  31. Theoretically the album should sound like a mess - and occasionally it does, not least on the twitchy and irritating Transformer. But for the most part, the mass of disparate sounds are perfectly bound together by some astonishing songwriting and Green's haunting, sorrowful voice.
  32. A manic, twisted soul album that's part nostalgia and part dementia.
  33. St. Elsewhere's triumphs are besmirched somewhat by its flubs.
  34. Uncut
    DM's production is unfocused but showy and the album's postmodern lurches suggest a frustrating attention defecit disorder. [Jun 2006, p.90]
  35. Under The Radar
    Even if their craziness is a bit affected, try as they might, they can’t disguise a fine pop record underneath that freaky makeup. [#14]
  36. Urb
    Elsewhere is exactly what you thought it'd be: a daring piece of work from two artists not afraid to take chances that pay off. [May 2006, p.81]
  37. Vibe
    It sounds like Cee-Lo has found his sonic better half in Danger Mouse. [Jun 2006, p.162]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 111 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 95 out of 111
  2. Negative: 7 out of 111
  1. Nov 14, 2011
    The only reason I listened to the album "St. Elsewhere" is because of "Crazy".
  2. MikeK
    Jun 1, 2006
    I agree, if you think this is a "0" or a "1" type of album, you ARE crazy. This feels like a breakthrough in r&b - yeah, it's supposedly I agree, if you think this is a "0" or a "1" type of album, you ARE crazy. This feels like a breakthrough in r&b - yeah, it's supposedly hip hop, but the best cuts sound like a new kind of soul record, where the r&b vocals (not rapping) are married to a cool atmospheric production - DJ Danger Mouse sounds like the Brian Eno of r&b here. I don't think this is a start-to-finish engaging record, but the best tracks are amazing ("Summer" sounds like neo-NEO-soul rather than straight up dance). Full Review »
  3. ChrisW
    Jun 25, 2006
    1) First off it is way too confusing to listen to. Like pick a style and go with it! Don