• Record Label: Matador
  • Release Date: Aug 18, 2009

Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 23
  2. Negative: 0 out of 23
  1. Alternative Press
    Crafted with peaks at the beginning, middle and end, Watch Me Fall is the album Jay Reatard made so we can watch him do the opposite. [Sep 2009, p.108]
  2. Seven-inch obsessives probably could have seen the debut's tangy intensity coming, but for rock fans unaware of Reatard's history, Watch Me Fall is a welcome surprise.
  3. Watch Me Fall isn’t evolution, but it is certainly maturation, the first physical testament of aging as a slog toward something better.
  4. Watch Me Fall, is an exhilarating ride of roaring highs that never let up.
  5. The production values on Watch Me Fall are hardly epic, but the guitars and keys slide out bright and clear, melodies unfettered by anything beyond crystal-pure hooks.
  6. For better or worse, his mucho-affected glam vocals are as cartoonish as ever and significantly higher in the mix. But, for punks, edgy power-pop seems as though it’s one of the few long-term routes that isn’t a dead-end.
  7. The dozen brief, ridiculously infectious tunes on Watch me Fall come wrapped in arrangements that run from frenetic punk to bouncy Britpop to wistful balladry.
  8. The whole thing whizzes by in just over half an hour, making it perfect for repeat listens. Reatard may not be for everyone's taste, and some tracks do find him coasting along, but it's an album bursting with confidence and energy.
  9. Watch Me Fall’ finds him with space to show off the full genius of his songwriting, turning the fuzz down, the jangle up and taking the (for him) radical decision to throw in violins and even some pianos.
  10. He has found his musical voice on Watch Me Fall, and while it may not be the best album of 2009, but it’s certainly one of the most enjoyable.
  11. Garage punk hero Jay Reatard has grown up, and, surprisingly, this has turned out to be a very good thing indeed.
  12. 'It Ain't Gonna Save Me'--inarguably one of the best tracks to date from the Memphis punk rocker born Jay Lindsey--seethes melodic vitriol with its breathless guitars and lyrics about shitting clouds. It's the high point of Watch Me Fall, but the rest of the record hardly slouches.
  13. Watch Me Fall is neither a reinvention nor a holding pattern for Reatard--walking the line between them is tricky, but he continues to make doing so look easy.
  14. This is his second solo release after over a decade in the music business, and it’s properly brilliant.
  15. A barnstorming, kiwi-pop-delicate album that is Reatard’s best album-length statement to date.
  16. On the majestic closer, alongside a sad cello, he insists, "There is no sun." With sound this blazingly bright, who needs it?
  17. Watch Me Fall, the emphasis is more on quality than quantity, a focused sense of attention which flowers here, each song brimming over with hooks.
  18. 90
    Watch Me Fall is even more melodic. Reatard classes up the joint a bit, smearing organ, hard-strummed acoustic guitar, and strings on the unrequited-love epic 'I’m Watching You.'
  19. Watch Me Fall includes some of his best sing-along jams yet.
  20. Reatard wants to do it all, and he comes pretty close.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 16 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 16
  2. Negative: 2 out of 16
  1. AngryJ.
    Sep 7, 2009
    It's pretty awesome.
  2. LukasK.
    Sep 5, 2009
    An infectious ride. And in no way unlistenable.
  3. crumplecrap
    Aug 19, 2009
    After the high expectations created by Blood Visions, this does not disappoint!