• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Feb 4, 2014

Generally favorable reviews - based on 38 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 38
  2. Negative: 1 out of 38
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  1. Feb 4, 2014
    Given Burton and Mercer's pedigrees, it's hard not to want more from Broken Bells, but After the Disco's strongest moments suggest that their music is coming into focus.
  2. Alternative Press
    Jan 17, 2014
    It's lovely stuff. [Feb 2014, p.90]
  3. 80
    With After The Disco--Broken Bells’ second full-length album--Mercer and Burton up the ante with a set that builds on the promise of their debut and fleshes out that aesthetic into an even stronger set of songs with loftier ambitions.
  4. Oct 30, 2014
    If 2010 debut Broken Bells melted together seemingly incongruous approaches, After the Disco lands Mercer and Danger Mouse in a new universe entirely.
  5. Feb 3, 2014
    Another beguiling collection that merges New Wave and dance sensibilities with winsome pop melodies.
  6. Feb 3, 2014
    Had Broken Bells combined the best songs from their two albums, they would have made a heck of a statement. As it is, they offer promising glimpses of what might have been.
  7. Jan 17, 2014
    Despite being the result of creative restlessness, After The Disco never really takes us anywhere new. By playing it safe, however, Mercer and Burton have also made it pretty difficult for fans to feel disappointed by it.
  8. Jan 27, 2014
    Even though After The Disco lacks some boldness and experimentation, the record most definitely has its strong moments and, like its predecessor, it’ll please fans from either party who will most likely feel content from the first listen.
  9. Feb 3, 2014
    The songs, sonically and structurally, don’t sound contemporary at all. At best, they sound like disco by way of these two artists, both of whom have been making similar songs for five, maybe ten years.
  10. Feb 13, 2014
    Despite the immense joy of the final five songs, the prospect of a repeat play is a discouraging one when the first five brought forth a cynicism entirely unwelcome among a collection designed to elicit wonder.
  11. 75
    The duo, who linked up after each found unlikely fame in the mid-'00s, dance to remember, not to forget. Though it's with love that they stockpile these sounds, the mood is muted.
  12. Magnet
    Feb 21, 2014
    Broken Bells' initial salvos may have set their parameters, but After The Disco expands, transcends and redefines them. [No. 106, p.52]
  13. Mojo
    Jan 23, 2014
    The disillusionment makes for downbeat and decidedly adult pop. [Feb 2014, p.88]
  14. Jan 28, 2014
    The temptation to skip back to the start will probably creep in after a few plays, but stick with it and further, less immediate treasures will be revealed.
  15. 80
    For the most part, though, After The Disco unfolds at a fertile equidistance from each man’s comfort zone (inasmuch as a polymath like Burton can be said to have one) and the results are a marked improvement.
  16. Feb 4, 2014
    After The Disco deserves to be heard and delivers a truly pleasant listening experience, rousing even, when the hooks hit the spot. But--and perhaps this is what the duo insightfully intended when they gave the album its title--don’t expect a party.
  17. Feb 6, 2014
    The whole album is rich with memorable hooks, as opposed to just the singles.
  18. Feb 4, 2014
    This second Broken Bells album is going to be the Random Access Memories of 2014. Only it’s a way better record, brimming with energy, urgency and something Daft Punk’s pop breakthrough is missing: an appropriately dirty sonic edge and--if you can collect your thoughts amidst all the booming bass and squint your eyes just right past the blinding DJ lights--some damn fine songs.
  19. Feb 4, 2014
    After the Disco is a more cohesive record, and that turns out to be the problem: Mercer and Burton's eccentricities have been sanded down to a single, flattened plane.
  20. Feb 3, 2014
    As a whole, After the Disco finds Broken Bells no longer feeling like a side project. There is a degree of consistency and focus not present on their eponymous debut.
  21. 75
    Taken solely as part of the Broken Bells discography it’s their best effort yet: a textured, kaleidoscopic pop record that crackles with imagination, and hints at the sign of something brilliant to come.
  22. Q Magazine
    Jan 28, 2014
    The panoramic melancholy may lack variety for some, but sorrow rarely sparkles this wonderfully. [Feb 2014, p.112]
  23. Feb 4, 2014
    Usually, the album is smart, catchy and pretty funny in itsmarriage of smoothness and geekiness.
  24. Feb 3, 2014
    Generic enough to have been produced by anyone, After the Disco is a yawner made by two artists whose impressive discography makes its failure that much more confounding.
  25. Feb 5, 2014
    After the Disco is the rare, superior sequel--think Toy Story 2--to Mercer and Burton's seemingly one-off self-titled 2010 debut as Broken Bells.
  26. Feb 5, 2014
    After The Disco displays a sense of focus that feels like the two musicians finally coming together as a band--although, unfortunately, the album is not quite as sonically diverse as one might hope.
  27. Jan 23, 2014
    After The Disco is an unashamedly brilliant pop album that might just be the right kind of stuff to get you through the remains of winter.
  28. Feb 4, 2014
    Since the driving tracks are bigger earworms than the carefully crafted, fragile ones, perhaps the duo would’ve done better to focus on the party, instead of what comes after.
  29. Jan 30, 2014
    After the Disco has some memorable hooks, but it doesn't quite lift this work beyond a studied genre piece.
  30. 80
    Ironically, given its disillusioned tone, After the Disco offers welcome confirmation of the vast and varied terrain available to pop and rock when it dares stray away from the mainstream or merely contemporary.
  31. It is not a bad record--Danger Mouse doesn’t make those--but it does feel safe and predictable rather than fresh and exciting.
  32. 80
    The songs are full of characters.... The pop structures, meanwhile, are comfortingly crisp verse-chorus-verse and the settings are, at best, subliminally familiar without being too blatant about their sources.
  33. 60
    It might not be the craven product of a marketing meeting, but it sounds like two talented, successful guys making nice tunes, no less, no more.
  34. Feb 14, 2014
    After The Disco is an exceptionally successful record filled with the type of uplifting melody we've come to expect from the pair, as well as more direct, clearer lyrics and an overall sharper edge.
  35. 60
    Not really a blockbuster, it’s the kind of album that makes most sense in the small hours, after the party is over.
  36. Uncut
    Jan 17, 2014
    The rhythmic, melodic and thoughtful After The Disco stands as impressive proof of the strength of their partnership. [Feb 2014, p.74]
  37. Jan 31, 2014
    So, yes, album number two is a step in the right direction, but once again the journey doesn't always feel worth the effort. [Feb/Mar 2014, p.70]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 61 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 45 out of 61
  2. Negative: 2 out of 61
  1. Feb 23, 2014
    I honestly think this is better than the debut. James & Brian really honed the distinct brand of tight, multi-layered & catchy indie rockI honestly think this is better than the debut. James & Brian really honed the distinct brand of tight, multi-layered & catchy indie rock they've been doing with this project. The chemistry between the 2 is great & the occasionally wide diverse production really adds to how engaging each track is in terms of songwriting.

    (For my full review, look up "Spin It Reviews" on YouTube. I'd appreciate it.)
    Full Review »
  2. Feb 7, 2014
    I found this album to be completely underwhelming. Especially compared to their latest releases. I was very excited for this album but itI found this album to be completely underwhelming. Especially compared to their latest releases. I was very excited for this album but it didn't meet my expectations. There are some interesting moment for sure but not enough. Full Review »
  3. May 1, 2014
    Amazing piece of work. Even better than their first album.
    "Leave it Alone" is haunting me, I can't get it out of my head.
    Just saw them
    Amazing piece of work. Even better than their first album.
    "Leave it Alone" is haunting me, I can't get it out of my head.
    Just saw them live and they sound just as good live as they do in the studio.
    A rare band these days.
    Highly recommended
    Full Review »